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  1. billsmurray

    My " cotyledon leaves " are yellow. The baby ones

    Thanks again for stoping by Taviddude! Your reassurance and advice is VERY APPRECIATED! I was pretty sure I was on point, just wanted to be realllly sure. Have done much research for the last yr and half. The ebb and flow is a great method, Have used that method for my first grow. I just do...
  2. billsmurray

    My " cotyledon leaves " are yellow. The baby ones

    mannnnnnnnn you are probably right Pirx. I am seriously contemplating a few more day before feeding, however, I do not want to even get to the point where they are showing any signs of diff's. I believe I am going to starting PPM of 125. with Canna Substra A&B Using the Hanna scale I know...
  3. billsmurray

    My " cotyledon leaves " are yellow. The baby ones

    So you believe the sprouts still have enough stored energy to suffice for a period of time?? Say a week? I was under the impression that "Baby Leaves" yellowing is in indication that the stored energy is running low, " to coincide with your point, yes the baby leaves are the first to go, more...
  4. billsmurray

    My " cotyledon leaves " are yellow. The baby ones

    SI senior, I am sure they will wither and die some time in the future. ???? Question?? However, ALSO........if I am not mistaken , the baby leaves yellowing is a damn good sign that they plants are running out of their stored energy from the original seed, correct?? Thanks for stopping by...
  5. billsmurray

    My " cotyledon leaves " are yellow. The baby ones

    Taviddude - You are correct I am currently hand watering, However, after doing more research I believe it is time to go 1/4 streangth. I am about to mix up my nutes, as my 3x3's are currently soaking in ph 5.0-5.5...... Going to soak that shit for about 12 hrs. Hopefully I will not have any ph...
  6. billsmurray

    My " cotyledon leaves " are yellow. The baby ones

    I will be using the Full Canna Substra Line for drain to waste. In rockwool slabs. YEAAA baaaaabbbbbby I chose it mainly because of it simplicity, and apparent dankness.
  7. billsmurray

    My " cotyledon leaves " are yellow. The baby ones

    HOOOOOOly shit help me. My " cotyledon leaves " are yellow. The baby ones My young ladies are now 13 days old, have sprouted and the majority of them are working on their second set of bladed leafs. They are all in Rock wool starter cubes - Feed at no less than every 12 hrs. with straight...
  8. billsmurray

    My " cotyledon leaves " are yellow. The baby ones

    THNAKs for the replay man!!! I am seriously contemplating to start adding nutes, I was planning on waiting until the second set fully develops. But I believe they could have already used up their stored seed energy....... Say 1/4 strength....... I also have some nice simple root development...
  9. billsmurray

    My " cotyledon leaves " are yellow. The baby ones

    :o HOOOOOOly shit help me. My " cotyledon leaves " are yellow. The baby ones My young ladies are now 13 days old, have sprouted and the majority of them are working on their second set of bladed leafs. They are all in Rock wool starter cubes - Feed at no less than every 12 hrs. with straight...
  10. billsmurray

    101 Already Asked Questions

    HOOOOOOly shit help me. My " cotyledon leaves " are yellow. The baby ones My young ladies are now 13 days old, have sprouted and the majority of them are working on their second set of bladed leafs. They are all in Rock wool starter cubes - Feed at no less than every 12 hrs. with straight...
  11. billsmurray

    Germination Guide

    HOOOOOOly shit help me. My " cotyledon leaves " are yellow. The baby ones My young ladies are now 13 days old, have sprouted and the majority of them are working on their second set of bladed leafs. They are all in Rock wool starter cubes - Feed at no less than every 12 hrs. with straight...
  12. billsmurray

    Aqua Canna Nutrients

    Did cutting back on the time for aeration solve your problem?
  13. billsmurray

    Aqua Canna Nutrients

    I have herd to put a small pump re-circulating and splashing the nutes back in the reso works well for both aeration and nutes not being aloud to settle. I have read on a canna info paper that if you have air stones running all the time it will make your ph go crazy, the recommend exactly what...
  14. billsmurray

    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    I will be using the full Canna Substra line w/ drip to waste rockwool slabs GOD BUD!!! Thanks!!!!!!!
  15. billsmurray

    The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread

    Hello Alll :weed: Cal-Mag Question There seems to be many different answers as far as when to add Cal-Mag. I.E. when the plants show diffs. or every other week with my res change. Although canna's online feeding chart shows the min EC starting level needs to be around .2......."which is 100...
  16. billsmurray

    led/hps cabinet sea of green

    Interesting:bigjoint: grow w/ the LED and CFL'S.......looking at the progress of the them in veg, it seems like they liked the CLS's better than the UFO LED? what was your thoughts?
  17. billsmurray

    A Rockwool Medical Gro, 14 Lights of Goodness!

    Sir Ganga! Man what a slick set up you have going on! I am going to start an rockwool slab drip to waste. although I am going to have to some how connect two slab because my trays are 44 in long.......any suggestions on how to do such? saran wrap and duct tape? What kind of red tape are you...