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  1. garden11

    Phosphorus deficancy, need advice!

    Jack you correct :) Update; Gonna go buy some guano. Did some experimenting with water and various stuff i could get my hands on. The result was a bit suprising. (screwing around helps x) Anything I tried mix into the water would decrease the ph, wich lead me to try with only 2 drops of the...
  2. garden11

    Quick Question Please HELP!

    get a jewlers glass or a hand microscope. Something that you can see the tricomes thru. An ratio between 1/10 to 1/50 will work great. Hairs can be deciving from what I been reading. I'm going to harvest when about 1/4th of the tricomes have become amber. Maybe someone can veryfi this for us...
  3. garden11

    what is a good strain for the a new grower?

    This is probably the easiest way to get started. No waiting and wondering bout mails n shit. Although you migth get alot of troubles along the way. The drying curing could leave the seeds damaged. The strain could be the hardest to grow. But you could be lucky :)
  4. garden11

    New guy with first grow w/pics

    thx for the link :D
  5. garden11

    second attempt at growing! :)

    I have two fans, one that circulates air in the room and one exhaust fan. Try having your exhaust high in the room, as warmth goes up. But I strongly recommend an oscillating fan to move the air off the plant and around, that will help keep the temp more managble. Another thing thats importent...
  6. garden11

    Humdity issues during flowering?

    I saw in a Jorge vid that RH on 50% would be perfect. Im in my first grow my self. My cheap macgyver setup is around 30-40% measured close to it. It is growing nicly. But as I mentioned I'm no expert, but I pesonally think 60 would be a bit high. Do you have a max/min on your hygro? Cause Im...
  7. garden11

    New guy with first grow w/pics

    Visited my crazy gran at the home for elderlies today, and she told me she used to talk to her plants. And she was convinced that plants could connect with humans emotionally. Heh, made me curious tho. Is there any scientific stuff going on in the world that looks into this kinda stuff? Would...
  8. garden11

    New guy with first grow w/pics

    Hey Cap. I've had some small gnat type fly around and it laid egg in the top soil. Asked around and a elderly lady told me that she used to put slices of potatoes on top of the soil for a couple of days. She told me they loved potatos so much that they would eat them selfs inside, so when you...
  9. garden11

    See How The Government Is Spending Our Money

    Haha, epic xD But seriously why cant we se the clock. im pretty new around here, wanna point and laugh at the figures :P
  10. garden11

    2nd grow still need a little advice

    First off I'm a total newb. But I've looked around at lot of vids, and it seems you can bend this baby to gold :D I'm doing my first flower and since it was an indica I only topped it once before flowering. But I had other branches growing inside and on the outside. What the vids and such told...
  11. garden11

    New guy with first grow w/pics

    Oh.. Good to know.. I was tempted, didn't know it could to that! Although i stripped the lowest branch, the midget nuggets and tiny leafs wasnt getting much ligth. I wouldnt have done it if I knew this. Been watching a couple of growing movies, and i think i got the idea from there. Make it...
  12. garden11

    First grow, bagseed, I'm in the closet, 25 days

    reply at pics from post 39 : I had some that looked just like that when I started flowering. Had 4 in the clost, one of them got the female pistons rigth away, while the others showed the same as in those latest pictures. Heh, I paniced, tossed them out. Fed them to mother nature :-( This was...
  13. garden11

    Phosphorus deficancy, need advice!

    Actually that was from the grow video link for soil/flowering (phos acid), tho i doubt it my self it would fix it. The thougth dropped into my head since im trying to figure out how to add. I doubt i can get my hands on bat guano stuff, but that bonemeal thing sounds interesting. And yes, its...
  14. garden11

    Phosphorus deficancy, need advice!

    Hi, I need alternativ solution to a phosphorus deficancy problem. Without going to much into why, its an issue getting decent ferts n such. I'm hoping someone know of a easy alternative way to get upthe lvl of phosphorus without adding any significant lvl of other elements. I've been looking...
  15. garden11

    First grow, bagseed, I'm in the closet, 25 days

    Can you clone after you have flowerd? I thougth you couldnt? I'm a closet noob too :D link for pics n such: Btw, you plants look really nice :)
  16. garden11

    New guy with first grow w/pics

    I'm thinking of cutting of some of the unhealthy looking fanleaves, the ones that looks the most unhealthy. Anyone know a thumb of rule when it comes to pruning?
  17. garden11

    droopy right after watering

    Thanks :)
  18. garden11

    New guy with first grow w/pics

    Been a couple of days since i took the pictures. I added a small portion with fert +micro nutrients, I also raised the ligth to lower the temp around the buds, changed positioning on the fan to more mimic outdoor. (instead of blowing constantly on the plant, its moving around) Today I notice...
  19. garden11

    HELP! Leaves starting to wilt

    hmm, from what i've read and seen on vids. the pot looks big for the size of the plant. I'm more concerned about his drainage.
  20. garden11

    droopy right after watering

    I know i overwater.. As a newb, i find it hard to read the signs on the plant. Trying to wait out til soil on the top has dried out, feeling on the pot if its ligther than it was when i put water in it. So when I see threads like this, I have to read them!! I'm curious to what you mean by...