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    Lights!? is this a good setup?
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    what is the difference between different bulb companies?
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    dont mind the cost of energy i just want the biggest and most quality plants i can have.
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    I currently have a T5 6 lamp fixture vegging 5 plants. What light should i use for flowering? how many lights? how many watts? ANY info on lights for vegging and flowering, but mostly flowering!!! The space is 5X5ft 8ft tall. i might move up to 6 or 7 plants depending on how large they get...
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    AN Final Phase? or something better? or tap water?

    So your saying i dont need to rinse the roots atleast 7 days before i harvest them to make sure there isnt any additives or nutrients still in the bud of the plant? or were you saying there is no need to use something to help rinse the plant of the chemicals that i prefer not to smoke?
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    what is the best way to set up a SCROG grow

    thanks for all of the information! i will probably just string my own. So i heard that when you SCROG you should fill the screen about 80-90% then put it into flowering and all that. Any opinions and ideas on that, or something better?
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    what is the best way to set up a SCROG grow

    yeah thats what i was going to do. what do you use for the screen?
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    Grow Tents?

    Where can i get a grow ten that can hold up to 6 large plants, and has quality features?
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    what is the best way to set up a SCROG grow i have this system anyone have any suggestions on how to setup a screen and how much higher should the screen be then the system? It is in a closet that is Height 8', Length 70", Width 58". I have a T5 sunblazer 6 lamps, 4ft is...
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    AN Final Phase? or something better? or tap water?

    What is the best way to flush cannabis plants 7-10 days before harvest?
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    Advanced Nutrients?

    You said start at 1/4 strength. when should i do this? say my seeds are germinating and the 2 little round green leaves are just now showing. should i put them in the hydro system with the nutrients and light at this point?
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    Advanced Nutrients?

    Thank you guys both for the information really appreciate it!
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    Advanced Nutrients?

    I also heard that i should stack Root Excelurator and voodoo juice. any first hand experience with either of these and/or stacking them? and if either are worth the price seperate or together?
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    Advanced Nutrients?

    i just ordered Advanced Nutrients 1L Voodoo Juice, 1L B-52, 4L Grow, 4L Micro, and 4L Bloom from I also just saw on youtube that Big Mike (the i think founder of AN) says that Voodoo juice was off the market...
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    my newly germinated seeds roots are brown! PLEASE HELP!!

    thanks very much for the info! when should i add nutrients to my plants? i am ordering Advance Nutrients grow, micro, bloom, b-52, and voodoo juice
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    my newly germinated seeds roots are brown! PLEASE HELP!!

    how long should i keep them in the papertowel and plastic bag? when i take them and put them in rockwool do i put them in the hydro system, and do i put them under light right after? If i do put them under light should i use less lamps than the 6 for awhile or just use all 6 from 3 feet away?
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    my newly germinated seeds roots are brown! PLEASE HELP!!

    all i have done really is put the seeds in the rockwool, dip them in 5.8 ph water. wait 4 days, turned on lights, 2 died at roots, so i pushed the roots deeper into the rockwool. 2 over watered so i removed from water. how can i pervent over watering in a aeroponic system, and how can i...
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    my newly germinated seeds roots are brown! PLEASE HELP!!

    well i wasnt fucking with them untill they started dieing. should i germinate the seeds longer untill actual canabis leaves start to grow? maybe i should get a humidity dome to start the plants? im just haveing problems starting it sucks.
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    my newly germinated seeds roots are brown! PLEASE HELP!!

    alright so i have 4 seeds 2 White widow and 2 Critical kush. I germinated these seeds by placing them in rock wool and dipping them in 5.8 ph water. the sat in the dark for 4 days with a temp of around 80-83. they all had there two little round green leaves, so i turned on the lights! i have a...
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    is hesi hydro starter kit a good nutrients?