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  1. James286

    Number of the beast - perfect for flowering.

    Wow I did not know about dropping temperatures to get the colors. Thanks!!!
  2. James286

    How Hemp Threatens the Corporatocracy | Brainwash Update

    Good video! People think they just want to stop us from getting high or self medicating. I have seen documentary's about hemp, it could change the world if we would grow it, it makes you wonder what they are more worried about.
  3. James286

    Dd you get run down from smoking?

    Some pot knocks me out, others just make me feel good, I agree get something new.
  4. James286

    powder mildew

    Why would anyone want to smoke powdery mildew? Do you think he is trying to sell it?
  5. James286

    cheap fucks.....

    Well I guess I am a Cheap fuck then!. I look for and find good deals all the time. Why throw it in the land fill when someone can use it?
  6. James286

    I made Cupcakes! This is my first time eating! Question about eating?

    I made a dozen. What do you mean it would have killed it? I read a recipe that suggested what I did. It said 4 to 6 hours.
  7. James286

    I made Cupcakes! This is my first time eating! Question about eating?

    Ok I made some Bud Coconut oil. What I did was 3g (Northern Lights) to 1/2 cup of coconut oil and a cooked it in a mini crock pot for 6 hours. I did not strain it. The Cupcake recipe called for 1/4 oil. What do you think? How long does the effects like and how long do they last?
  8. James286

    Do your kids know what your smoking?

    (Thought!) If you hide it from your kids or family, isn't that saying to them your doing something wrong? I am not saying you should smoke in front of them, but once you make it a secret your sending the wrong message.
  9. James286

    ok old timers

    Original Northern Lights? What dose that mean? I have some Northern Lights (and it has a pine smell). Is there a different Northern Lights?
  10. James286

    Luiji's Mini Plants #2 CFL (White Widow & Devil Fruit)

    hahaha I did not think of it that way. I will find a better one.
  11. James286

    Luiji's Mini Plants #2 CFL (White Widow & Devil Fruit)

    Sorry to here that! I haven't done many seeds, I would like to.
  12. James286

    Luiji's Mini Plants #2 CFL (White Widow & Devil Fruit)

    Cute! They are going to be nice. I like White Widow, nice tasting, good high.
  13. James286

    salvia threshold effects

    I did not like Salvia, it made me angry and gave me a weird feeling in the left side of my head. That was just smoking the leaf!!!
  14. James286


    I do not like any Chemicals, I try and stay as natural as possible. For the veggie garden I will stay will cow crap and compost, and none of the human-shit dirt. People need to remember your eating and smoking what you grow.
  15. James286

    Any Linux Users? (Your Smart Phone Dosen't Count)

    The Live DVDs are great too if you don't want what you did on the computer recorded. I will look for the Debian 64bit one. Thanks..
  16. James286

    Any Linux Users? (Your Smart Phone Dosen't Count)

    Linux is free, so it can't be spam. lol I have been running it for about 3 years now. I started off with Mint with KDE, and went to Kubuntu. Puppylinux for those who don't know runs in your RAM from a USB or CD.
  17. James286

    Any Linux Users? (Your Smart Phone Dosen't Count)

    Any Linux users? What Linux OS do you run? Me: Kubuntu and Puppylinux, I dropped Window$ and haven't looked back. I seen some older posts but nothing new. The Linux Desktop(s) are much better now and more user friendly, and very secure.
  18. James286

    led diy set up

    The guys at the Grow shop said you can run LED bulbs in a T8, You will need to re-wire it so it will be direct power. Please look this up! I have not done this or researched it! The price of the bulbs are a little too high for me right now.
  19. James286


    No! Not if you do it right. You need to read about taking care of a compost, its not hard you just need to remember to keep on it. It needs to be hot and moist and kept mixed.