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  1. G

    Growing Question(s?) - Tips for my first time, anyone?

    You are 100 percent correct. That was theory. This is reality: 2 weeks into veg. TheHermit, Lofly 247, and Budfarmer420, I can't thank you guys enough for the tips. I did some additional research and learned to top and LST and also bought a Phresh filter for flowering (which I'll...
  2. G

    My seeds... Can anyone shed any light?

    I ordered seeds (for the first time) from Attitude on June 23rd. They shipped on the 24th, hit the U.S. on the 27th, Chicago on the 28th. From what I have read, this was the crucial stop. They left Chicago on the 29th of June and went to Grand Rapids, according to the tracking feature. June 30...
  3. G

    Growing Question(s?) - Tips for my first time, anyone? Does this compare at all to an HPS? Or would I still want to upgrade eventually?
  4. G

    Growing Question(s?) - Tips for my first time, anyone?

    I love this idea, it's brilliant, but I only have 1 room and 1 light fixture so far. Also only 1 ebb and flow system built. If I understand this correctly, I would need basically 2 of everything, correct? Or is there a way to use my existing set up to accomplish this?
  5. G

    Growing Question(s?) - Tips for my first time, anyone?

    Thank you to every reply. So, now I have revisited lighting and also learned about LST. A couple more questions: First off, would hanging a light vertically accomplish the same thing as LST growing? And second, I can't seem to find info on light temp specs for the HPS lights I have seen so...
  6. G

    Growing Question(s?) - Tips for my first time, anyone?

    Thank you. I wanted to take clones before flower, but I was worried they would root long before the original plant was finished flowering. I only have the one light, so the clones would be on a 12/12 lighting cycle. Is that a problem?
  7. G

    Growing Question(s?) - Tips for my first time, anyone?

    I have never grown before. I'm a firm believer in learning through experience (and mistakes), and I also believe you should "Measure twice, cut once" To that end, I researched for almost 3 months before buying my first item. These sites contain a literal wealth of information and experience. My...