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  1. B

    Curvy green leaves??????

    I have been using Jacks Classic Blossom Booster (10-30-20). 1/4 teaspoon (as per instructions) with every watering (gallon and a half, every other day). I also add a couple cap fulls of fish emulsions with this solution. Water is distilled. Enough, too much, too little? Thanks so much for...
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    Curvy green leaves??????

    Are these pictures of a healthy plant or do I have a problem with these downward curving leaves? Anyone have an answer?
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    Curvy green leaves??????

    Check out these photos. Notice the downward curving of most leaves. The yellowish you see is simply the HPS lighting reflecting off the leaves. The leaves are a nice deep green. This curving seems to be more pronounced as time progresses. 23 days into 12/12. What is going on? Shouldn't...
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    I like that idea. This would mean I would have to have another light though, right. How long until they start pollenating? I hate to have to end their cycles early but it seems I have no choice. I have a small room and one light to work with here. Sorry boy's, it's curtains for ya's.
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    In 2nd week of flowering and starting to see sex of plants. I have several growing in close proximity (touching). So far at least 2 are males. What do I do here? Kill them? Do males produce quality bud? Sorry to sound so newby but previously I have only grown femenized seeds. What are the...
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    Checking my plants when lights are out.....

    Hey, I like it! That does work for me, mostly. I will do this and get the green bulb. Thx growers!!!
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    Checking my plants when lights are out.....

    Great, thanks!
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    Checking my plants when lights are out.....

    I am in 2 wk. of flowering stage of 12/12. I need lights to burn during daylight. However, it is nearly impossible for me to get home in time to check progress- feed, water, do lamp raising, ect. If I come in the room when lights are out and turn on an incandescent floor (40W) lamp to service...
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    Plant food recommendations

    Currently, I am using MG nutes. My trees are in MG soil also. I am 4wks into veg. I hear a lot of people bad mouthing MG products. Why is that? I will say, it has been years since I had an indoor grow. I got overzealous with the plant food and burned a few rather badly...dumbass:evil...
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    Multi cola training........

    Can someone direct me to info on multi-cola training? Does this really work? Or is it a pain for little gain? I am thinking I am probably right at the time to start such if it is worth it. Thx. for comments
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    Lighting question...

    Switch to HPS at 12/12 it is, thx.
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    Lighting question...

    New to site. Please correct me if I am posting incorrectly. Currently have my trees growing indoors, under a 600W MH/HPS system. First two wks I have timer set for 20/4. Each wk there after I plan to drop an hour until I reach 12/12 (9wks) of veg. state. Any comments on this? Question...