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  1. K

    Pollen sacks on lower branches

    Is it normal to get a few pollen sacks onn the lower branches of your plants, they dont appear to be in the buds but i fear i will discover them later as im only in 3rd week flowering. there is nothing noticably stressing them.. no light leaks, fans arent blowing too hard and there is no nute...
  2. K

    hps distance from plants

    lol how the hell do u not have hermies ahahaha i want to know your secret
  3. K

    clones in veg are drooping

    ok i might try the humidity dome thing if all else fails, but are you guys aware that they are in veg? i thought that was just when they were rooting, these are head on into veg, just droopy. I will definetly try to even out my ph level and see if that helps thx
  4. K

    How do I keep my dark area dark, and have my plants still breathe?

    perfect! thats exactly what I wanted to hear, I will be sure to keep the fan in and monitor to make sure there are no ventilation issues. thx man
  5. K

    clones in veg are drooping

    I have 2 mental floss clones and 1 purple kush clone that are in veg right now. They were only transplanted about a week ago and aren't really showing any roots, so I doubt they are root bound. I water them everyday but only when the soil gets dry, so I'm pretty sure it's not over or under...
  6. K

    Leaves are drooping after I watered more

    My two purps plants bottom leaves were looking a bit droopy so I decided to water them a little extra because I recently transplanted them into a much bigger pot. It seems impossible that the amount I originally gave it was too much especially considering it's new, bigger pot, but when I gave it...
  7. K

    How do I keep my dark area dark, and have my plants still breathe?

    I have ventilation when the light is on, and there are cracks in the closet which I have to cover up with a dark proof curtain, is that enough ventilation? when the light is on I keep the closet open with fans running and my room door and window are periodically let open so they have ventilation...
  8. K

    How do I keep my dark area dark, and have my plants still breathe?

    Ok I have a closet grow, I've got 2 purps and Im adding 2 more clones in a week. I've got a 400 watt hps burning and im on 12/12, I've used make shift blockers to block out all light. I sktech out that it isn't good enough, is it ok for even a tiny bit of light to get in, or is it going to...
  9. K

    Too late to flower outdoors?

    Hey i was wondering if it is too late in the season to bring my purps outdoors to flower, it is mid to late august and im in central ontario. I want to give them enough time to flower properly but from what i understand they will go nicely into september and october ( bringing out the purple in...
  10. K

    tips of leaves are being bitten

    At my buddies veg set up one of the plants there is apparently being bitten by some insect because i can see tiny little bite marks. The bite marks are coming from the outside inwards and look very distinct. The entire main tip of the new set of leaves has been bitten off and i want to stop it...
  11. K

    How to keep a motherplant

    Ok, i have some purps plants and i intend to establish a strong mother and keep cloning. Are there any ways to stall the plant so its not growing upwards really and is just bushing?? ( other than going low on nutes, and side lighting). Also where exactly do you take the clones to make it so that...
  12. K

    will the purps take 9 weeks?

    i have many more pictures to post soon!
  13. K

    will the purps take 9 weeks?

    I started flushing around 6 weeks assuming that the plant would be around the later part of 8 weeks considering it showed alot of sativa in it. It seems perhaps i started flushing a bit early perhaps but even after a long flush ony my last crop i tasted some chems and i heard a good time was a...
  14. K

    BC seed king purps vs. BC Bud Depot purps

    hahhaha true enough tahts why i thought just getin input
  15. K

    BC seed king purps vs. BC Bud Depot purps

    care to elaborate? is it not potent enough or what i agree it smells great so im hoping the potency will be high also, so any info would help
  16. K

    Spiders on my weed plants

    would that not just make the buds taste like alcholol? im currently just plucking all the webs off just with tooth picks but im looking for a more efficient way so any details would be helpful
  17. K

    Spiders on my weed plants

    alright thanks for the advice people i believe it is spider mites, but i also have what i think are leaf hoppers any suggestions on those? im also going to pick up a bag of lady bugs for the mites, im too late in flowering for neem or any sprays i think, also does any one know how to more...
  18. K

    Spiders on my weed plants

    often i find spider webs on my rainbow skunk and yesterday i found a white spider on my plants and later that day found one bud to be completely covered in webs almost and had little black things in it, i cut it off and there are any more noticably in it. Is it wise to have move it to a spot...
  19. K

    bringing flowering plant indoors

    im thining about finishing off my rainbow skunk indoors under my 400 watt hps, there are no visible insect issues and i think the hps would buff the buds up nicely. heres the things, i have one perfect purp under the hps ( perfect female, other 3 were males) and i feel like im wasting my...
  20. K

    BC seed king purps vs. BC Bud Depot purps

    hahaha good call i was thinking about going with the god bud but i had to satisfy my curiosity with the purps hahaha, think i might order a couple purple and og kush clones, but theyre mad expensive