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  1. Piffstar420

    Newbies! Ask Me Questions Here!

    What would happen if i cut the bud off the plant leaving some of the leaves?
  2. Piffstar420

    flower from start

    "bud tricromes get 50%+ brown/amber colour to harvest" What does this look like?
  3. Piffstar420

    Best time to plant.

    Whens the best time to plant outdoors? Already tried once and it flowered before it was a foot tall.
  4. Piffstar420

    Newbies! Ask Me Questions Here!

    I dont think you answered mine.
  5. Piffstar420

    Newbies! Ask Me Questions Here!

    Alright. I planted this plant like a month ago in late december. I wasnt expecting it to do anything cause of the cold but it made it through. Its about 6 inches now And the tops looks like its flowering. I already posted a thread bout it and they said it would grow shorter cause of it...
  6. Piffstar420

    Perhaps early budding.

    Yeah i got them outside. I thought it had something to do with the weather we had some cold days lately. Ill just have to plant a couple more here soon.
  7. Piffstar420

    Perhaps early budding.

    These are my first two plants and im just growing to get some to smoke. Dont really care bout how good it is. So I took two seeds from the best weed i got (Mids) and planted them in my backyard for fun. Now there almost 6 inches and it looks like its budding already. I think it...