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  1. G

    The Good, The Bad & The Ugly (3 unique seedlings...)

    One seedling seems ok, the other one has badly drooping leaves, and the last one looks like some mutant seedling that's hasn't grown in size for a week. The healthy seedling and the mutant seedling are the same seeds (delicious candy). The one with drooping leaves is auto-purple. Any thoughts...
  2. G

    smell masking

    Damn, I was wondering about this too. If I get that far (first grow) the only realistic position for my plants is right on the other side of the boundary fence and the elderly retired neighbors are always in their small garden nearly all day, every day, they'll only be a few meters away from my...
  3. G

    Seedling with no artificial light is ok?

    Thanks a lot for the info bro, that's a very useful read which I'll no doubt go back and use a reference. I'm trying to do it on a budget and I got only 6 seeds already, 3 already planted now and they're seedlings + the MG from last year growing chilli + tomato feed. And the pee would be the...
  4. G

    Is this seedling a lost cause? Weird leaves! (Photo)

    Woah amazing info, very useful to know and it does put things in to perspective. Sounds like you gave those plants a hell of a rollercoaster ride and they still pulled through lol.. Thanks for story, that was great to read.. I put mine out for the day today, it was warmer and less windy but...
  5. G

    Using Radiator For Heat - Good or Bad?

    Thanks for the info guys, much appreciated. Also what about the plants themselves? Are they ok near the radiator or will it dry out the soil and plants?
  6. G

    Is this seedling a lost cause? Weird leaves! (Photo)

    Yes, I checked on Amazon when I read the post but that's a specialist bulb and I'd need to buy the bulb and holder, plus wait for the delivery. That's why I was asking if I could for the next week or so use a household bulb of some sort because I plan to put them outside as soon as the sun comes...
  7. G

    Is this seedling a lost cause? Weird leaves! (Photo)

    Good to know I'm not the only one it happened to, I was wondering if I'd done something wrong to that plant. I guess I could just let it grow out and see what happens because I plan to put them all outdoors when the weather gets better and at the moment I only have 3 seedlings so if I got rid...
  8. G

    Is this seedling a lost cause? Weird leaves! (Photo)

    Is there any other household light I could use? Because I plan to put them outdoors as soon as the weather gets better. I had them outside for a couple of days last week when it was sunny and warm but since then the weather took a turn for the worse and it got cold and rainy. Hopefully it'll...
  9. G

    Using Radiator For Heat - Good or Bad?

    I've got plants on a windowsill at the moment and had the radiator under the window running on medium for the day, trying to simulate a warm environment. Also attempted to germinate some seeds next to the plants in a wet paper towel, placed in an old butter tub about 10 hours ago. Just checked...
  10. G

    Is this seedling a lost cause? Weird leaves! (Photo)

    Lol.. It did cross my mind for a sec that I'd stumbled upon some strange X-man mutant plant with unheard of superpowers! Ok, I'll let the thing grow and hope for the best.. it's just that it's so different from the other two plants that I had to ask
  11. G

    Is this seedling a lost cause? Weird leaves! (Photo)

    Ok I'll give that a try. I'm not sure is it growing two colas? Total newb here so when you say cola I think pepsi. :blsmoke:
  12. G

    Pet piggy ate one of my plants

    trying to get high to become the first pig that flies?
  13. G

    Is this seedling a lost cause? Weird leaves! (Photo)

    Yes it's on a windowsill with some other plants but the other plants look fine, it's only this one behaving strangely. I tried twisting it earlier and now the leaves have drooped but still going in the same direction.
  14. G

    Is this seedling a lost cause? Weird leaves! (Photo)

    Not sure whats happening to this one, is it a lost cause? The main leaves are bending in a weird way going in the same direction instead of one going left and other going right, like a normal plant. What to do?
  15. G

    I'm pissed

    leaf that bug alone :weed:
  16. G

    Culti Cave Greenhouse ?

    Any thoughts on this.. Use it or just keep the plants outside, or maybe put the plants in sometimes and sometimes put them out to get some breeze?
  17. G

    What's the worst idea you've ever had stoned?

    I was in Bulgaria and got chased by a pack of about 15 wild dogs of varying shapes and sizes, up a very steep hill. They were nipping at my heals and I didn't know if they wanted to eat me or just wanted me out of the territory. I shook them off, kept going forward and eventually found a bar...
  18. G

    Culti Cave Greenhouse ?

    I've got one of these but need to put it together. Is it worth growing outdoors in this thing, preferable to growing entirely outdoors being exposed to the elements. I'm in a colder climate (today 56F / 13C, windy & rainy) so I'm a bit concerned about putting the plants out in this weather but...
  19. G

    Graham Hancock: "I was liberated when I quit weed after taking DMT!" (VIDEO)

    I heard Hancock speaking in the past on DMT (something I've never tried as yet) but never knew about his history with weed. In this banned TED talk he says he smoked weed for 24 years, 16 hours a day but eventually quit after taking DMT several times. He got "messages from the DMT" telling him...
  20. G

    Rooftop Greenhouse Grow Amsterdam

    Damn what a beautiful garden there bro it is off the chain, and on the roof. :clap: