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  1. bigdaddy86

    D. W. C new grow

    this grow is continued and finished here thanks for all your help and support new grow has already started
  2. bigdaddy86

    1st dwc grow going bad

    i think your system is a bubbleponics system the dwc systems are fully submerge systems so maybe it was your misters not working right. idk i just finished my first dwc grow and got fucked buy a hermi bag seed plant hard work down the drain...
  3. bigdaddy86

    need a little help please

    well i ended up turning lights off for two days. Then cutting them down. they been hanging for two days. the bag weed is real shaggy and the kush is little more bigger but here are some pics. i think for the new grow i got going on i am not going to let them get to big. i need more funding. i...
  4. bigdaddy86

    need a little help please

    ya im fucked
  5. bigdaddy86

    need a little help please

    when i squeeze them juice come out
  6. bigdaddy86

    need a little help please

    they are like 3 to five in a bunch and they all have little like pistals coming out of top
  7. bigdaddy86

    need a little help please

    damn damn lol that phone sucks sorry guys i will go buy a new cam tomorrow
  8. bigdaddy86

    posted those pics

    posted those pics
  9. bigdaddy86

    need a little help please

    ok i hope these pic help. i took two pics then took all of them out and took a pic of them
  10. bigdaddy86

    need a little help please

    i cut a piece off today i ll go down and take a pic when wife goes to work in about 5 or ten mins
  11. bigdaddy86

    need a little help please

    pics are posted but they suck
  12. bigdaddy86

    need a little help please

    i posted pics thank you for viewing i have a feeling someone open the door also i know it is not good to do this i cut a piece and threw it in the mic and the seed like things got smaller ??
  13. bigdaddy86

    need a little help please

    well the first ones are from the kush and then the bag seed plant the last one is one of the tops to the kush i have a feeling the pics are not good enough:confused:
  14. bigdaddy86

    need a little help please

    thanks i will go by there on my way home tomorrow to take pic
  15. bigdaddy86

    need a little help please

    my guess is that the bag seed was idk im just pissed so much time and work on this sorry ass low budget grow. time to spend money. that sucks to the plant is such a strong and large growing the only clone i got for it is already over a foot think im throwing it away or i might just flower it buy...
  16. bigdaddy86

    need a little help please

    would the he she cause other plant to get seeds also though two differant strains one bag seed and one lemon skunk/or kush
  17. bigdaddy86

    need a little help please

    thanks i will post pics tomorrow
  18. bigdaddy86

    need a little help please

    i will post some pics tomorrow but the seed like things are all bunched up inside of the bud area
  19. bigdaddy86

    need a little help please

    equivelent to like a total of just over 250w
  20. bigdaddy86

    need a little help please

    i am sure the answer is some where but due to my work schedual i dont have a lot of time but am very worried i am just about to harvest i m in the 7th week of flowering here is my grow. well yesturday i went to check on...