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  1. C

    Rootspa DWC Kit

    how much did you pay if you dont mine me asking? and i build a 20gal its alot easyer to handle with the temps i wraped bubble wrap around the totes to insulate the cool water .so with the 5gal bucket becarefull cause itll only hold not even a cupple gal once those roots are big.. my root system...
  2. C

    my dwc bub update

    a leak thru the door
  3. C

    my dwc bub update

    oh not to mention i dont belive the mh caused the hermie i belive that it did start that weird groth and i had a light leak i belive! it tru that fem seeds are more likey to stress easyer and herm? if thats the case ill stick with un fem .. this is all for myself i suffer very bad from bak...
  4. C

    my dwc bub update

    its acutally doin pretty well i mean the ph was reall steady thruout now its been dippin down.. thanks a million for your comment man means alot..noone one here likes to really comment i dunno why.. but im tryin to upload another pic and dont know how to without starting a new thread.. im...
  5. C

    my dwc bub update

    and that new groth i belive is from the mh i added weeks into the flowering...wich i now removed it cause i do not like that growth it put off on this.. and maybe thats why she went hermie? i herd it was ok to have both but she didnt like it!
  6. C

    my dwc bub update

    hello all i belive i turned this poor girl hermie..this is my first dwc attempt...but i belive light was my enemy this time around..sad but sum seeds big deal right? please tell me what you guys think please alot read and i barley ever get they would be appreciated
  7. C

    how do i look? frst grw

    thank you very much .. i vegged for around two months i started from seed and it was alil slow thats in the 8th week of flower and i am seein just today the start of new growth and them starting to fattin up so..yea i had a hard time cloning this plant but i did get one and thats...
  8. C

    how do i look? frst grw

    hey everyone can anyone give me an idea about how much longer they think ?? 2weeks?? this is bubblioush my first grow DWC under now two 600w hps n mh.. can anyone tell me if this looks good or not meaning how i did growin it.thanks all i really appreciate any input!!
  9. C

    please help plant dieing

    thank you very much for the responce i belive this plant to be locked out at the moment. i belive it was a ph issue as i have it dialed to around 5.5. now as i belive it to be on like 7.0 ..and yes ice is in half gallon milk plastic..and i had bought all 3parts but ater found on on the...
  10. C

    please help plant dieing

    hello all i am a newb to DWC just started about #weeks ago from seed i orderd bubblelious and Master Kush this one i am goin to show you is the bubbleious setup DWC bubbler 18gal tote 2 large air stones feeding Gh nutes 3part mirco grow PPM is around 100 i start with tap water that...
  11. C

    PC case DWC Hydroponic setup!!! Trainwreck! pics updated every day or so!

    i know wtf? turned out to be a male i guess ..that sucks :(