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  1. goodolboy

    BOOM you've been Assassinated! Short Stuff Auto Assassin 150HPS/CFL's

    Great Grow Man +1 Ill smoke a bowl to that harvest
  2. goodolboy

    First time shroom grow

    I HATE TO VOMIT, Luckily i dont have that problem with mush. Ive got about 15 of these Puerto Rican Angel Prints left if anyone wants one PM me, we can work something out..
  3. goodolboy

    Aeviaanah's Multistrain-Hydro/Soil-Organic/Synthetic-Breeding

    Couldnt have said it better myself. Man that bubba has looks soo yummy.
  4. goodolboy

    First time shroom grow

    Yes sir that is P. Cubensis Mycelium!!! Congrats bro! at this rate youll be colonized in another week, and fruiting by the end of the month.. Looks super clean too, good job! Good Job Young Shroom Hoppa!
  5. goodolboy

    First Grow on Rollitup

    Ok.. They said it would eat fleas so i figured that is pretty damn small, never seen a spider mite though. If all else fails ill have another pet and go get some preventative measures for pests..
  6. goodolboy

    First Grow on Rollitup

    I bought Foxfarm Grow Big - 6-4-4 Says to use through vegatative growth Tiger Bloom- 2-8-4 Says to use at first signs of flowering Big Bloom- .01-.3-.7 Says it can be used through all stages of growth   I know that my Super lemon haze, Red Diesel, Apaculco Gold, and Bubba kush will get...
  7. goodolboy

    First Grow on Rollitup

    Everything except Diesel Ryder is 27 days from seed, Diesel Ryder Is 13 days from Seed Red Diesel Bubba Kush Diesel Ryder Acapulco Gold Super Lemon Haze Speedy Gonzales- I started LST on her, She seems to be doing well Speedy Branching out really nicely, about 15 bud sites ive counted...
  8. goodolboy

    First Grow on Rollitup

    the dip n grow is a liquid rooting concentrate, it has all the instructions and a vile to delute the solution, says its good for rooting up to 1000 plants, for $10 i figured id try it. Im about to update with pics.
  9. goodolboy

    First Grow on Rollitup

    Yeah i have the General Hydroponics PH up and Down Solutions. I went ahead and picked up FF Big Bloon along with my FF Tiger Bloom and FF Grow Big.. all 3 are for soil OR hydro, so when i decide to put my DWC system to work i can use this too. I have 2 airpumps, one single and one dual outlet...
  10. goodolboy

    First time shroom grow

    The middle and bottom row are all Puerto Rican Angels The 3rd pic is Equadorian on the left and Tazmanian on the left, They were experiments on a 360 degree fruiting chamber. that one EQ shroom weighed around 50g and was solid, oddly enough the Taz yeilded about the same but a million little...
  11. goodolboy

    delete ur inbox lol

    delete ur inbox lol
  12. goodolboy

    First time shroom grow

    I really didnt mean to come off as a dick, earilier, but after re-reading my post, i was. Sorry for that. Alot of times i can be a hard ass when people question my methods, and im Not trying to start a pisssing contest either, It just kind of seemed like you were trashing my advice. No hard...
  13. goodolboy

    First time shroom grow

    well if you peeked, then take a snapshot for us..
  14. goodolboy

    First Grow on Rollitup

    Ok im going to they hydroponics store today, Im going to grab up some FF Grow Big and FF Tiger Bloom, a Ph Pen, I may get a Cool Tube too :p Then ill go to walmart and grab a small sterilite for my cloner. Do i need a seedling mat or heating pad for your cloner method? Anything else i should...
  15. goodolboy

    First time shroom grow

    Lets see pics of your grows horse poo grows and we will compare them to my cow poo grows, horses arent a dual chambered animal, meaning a cow has 2-3 stomaches, thus giving the medium more of a work over/decomposure before hitting the ground. The cow also has one of the most powerful stomache...
  16. goodolboy

    Good Strains To Grow Over My Summer Vacation?

    good point, they are some stinky lil fuckerz lol
  17. goodolboy

    what are some GOOD bushy strains

    Barneys Farm Acapulco Gold is Bush as hell, so Is Super lemon Haze
  18. goodolboy

    Good Strains To Grow Over My Summer Vacation?

    Yeah Check out the single seed centre's autoflower selection, they have blueberry, diesel, moscow, haze, sooooo sooo many, they are pretty cheap. I like the Flash Seeds- Autoflower, "Santa" and "Speedy Gonzales", They are like $3 a seed and a kick ass IME.. and autos grow really small(1-2ft)...
  19. goodolboy

    Cloning Autoflowers

    the one with the top broken off is probably just stunted and if properly taken care of it should split into two main colas, just as if you topped it. Im assuming these plants have atleast 5-6 sets of leaves by now...? just take care of it and dont overwater and it will come back, maybe not as...