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  1. goodolboy

    Cloning Autoflowers

    its pointless, if you clone today your clones are still 20sum days old, becaust they are the same age as thier mother, there is NO Vegatiative stage to an autoflower plant, it goes straight from seeldling to flowering. You cant revert to something you never had in the first place. Autos are made...
  2. goodolboy

    First time shroom grow

    Go ahead and Crush it up, then lay it out in the sun for a week or so, you can go ahead and chop your straw too, and add your vermiculite, but store it in a black trash bag in a DRY area, this is the perfect medium for fungus/mold to grow in and any slight moisture will allow them to start, so...
  3. goodolboy

    First Grow on Rollitup

    I dont know, im thinking since im using all foxfarm nutrient soils/mixes already, maybe it would be less stressful of on the plants if I use FoxFarm Nutrients to feed too. I was thinking FoxFarm Grow Big and FoxFarm Tiger Bloom Its gonna cost in the same ballpark price as finishing the other 2...
  4. goodolboy

    First Grow on Rollitup

    i was actually going to try and root them before removing from the plant by picking my cut site and shaving the stem right above that. The using 1x1 rockwool cubes cut in half with rooting hormone sprinkled on them. Hydrate my rockwool/rooting hormone and then "sandwich" the shaved stem with the...
  5. goodolboy

    First Grow on Rollitup

    has anyone ever used "Bud Candy"? if so does it really make ur bud sweeter? I was going to buy a cool tube with my next check but it looks like its going toward nutrients, so please everyone give me your best suggetions on what nutrients to use with my soil.. Thanks
  6. goodolboy

    First Grow on Rollitup

    Ill probably Veg for another Month, then flip the lights, depends on if growth picks up and how heavily if it does. I want to be able to atleast get a few clones from each, more so from Super Lemon Haze, Red Diesel, Bubba Kush, and Acapulco Gold. Id like to pull about 5 clones from each, before...
  7. goodolboy

    First Grow on Rollitup

    yeah i had heat problems for the first week, now im sittin steady at about 80. The Afghans seem to be an autumn colored strain, giving yellow and orange tones in 9/10's of the pics Ive seen. Im just using foxfarm Ocean Forest Mix, Fox Farm Bat Guano and Worm Castings, High quality top soil...
  8. goodolboy

    iPhone App Testers / Growers Needed!!!

    sure it may be ok for that guy with 6 cousins, 3 pit bulls, and an armory guarding his grow(lol), but im not the type of person to put my grow info where anyone can see but me. if i cant remember(without writing/documenting it) then ive obviously got too much going and need to chill out a...
  9. goodolboy

    lowryder day 38 still no flower any help please

    Good Q! I second that. I take everything i read on every strain here very serious, if it doesnt work for someone else, im not buyin it. Im glad to hear that your finally showing sex. Maybe you got a super auto...? on accident or something, they are the same as the regular autos but they dont...
  10. goodolboy

    So do the fruity strains realy tast sweet, gummy, grapefruity, berry?

    now some strains will smell like fruits, others like a skunk, others like fuel. Its just the sneakiness of the fruit flavor that makes "Fruit" strains extra special. Yea, your gonna have smell anytime that moving air is hitting leaves, a carbon filter is a must have for growing dank u dont...
  11. goodolboy

    So do the fruity strains realy tast sweet, gummy, grapefruity, berry?

    You get a taste of fruityness in your buds, nobody's gonna hit it and say "shit man, that tastes like a fruitcake" but every now and then youll get that hit that taste like you just swallowed a blueberry while u were smoking and burped the Blueberry smoke back out. its more a reminance of fruit...
  12. goodolboy

    Heyo Cheaper Electric Bills And Greener Energy

    I wish i could get this in my area, most people say the service switch is seemless, and that poeple are acutally saving up to $80 a month with basically the same service in a less enviornmentally harmful way. Hell thats another 1000watt HPS, Blower, and hydro system that can be ran for the...
  13. goodolboy

    Heyo Cheaper Electric Bills And Greener Energy

    It sounds like your onto something good man. They use energy derived from wind, sun, and other aspects of nature so that there is no waste to harm our enviornment. I jacked this from another forum on the same subject, but i think its worthy of posting. while nuclear is renewable, it is...
  14. goodolboy

    All your buds like rocks!!!

    Why dont you manicure those buds, dry and cure them right, instead of boasting over whats gonna be crap weed because your throwin it all over your guitar. Fluffy buds are OK, but on my trip to amsterdam I never once bought a gram of "fluffy" bud, listen to the experienced people here when they...
  15. goodolboy

    First Grow on Rollitup

    Update. 22 days from seed on all except Diesel Ryder. All is looking good, Cant wait for this speedy to show me some little buds. Speedy Gonzales Acapulco Gold The Afghan Kush Family Bubba Kush Diesel Ryder Red Diesel Santa Super Lemon Haze The pic below didnt insert inline, but...
  16. goodolboy

    First Grow on Rollitup

    Its Greenhouse-Bubba Kush and Super Lemon Haze.. And Barney's Farm-Red Diesel and Acapulco Gold.. Joint Doctor's-Diesel Ryder Flash Seeds- Santa and Speedy and Lowlife Afghan Kush's
  17. goodolboy

    First time shroom grow

    Yeah store bought poo will also insure that you dont get any thats green or not decomposed. just let it sit in the sun for a day or so and then rehydrate it yourself when you mix your verm and straw in. That looks like cobweb, its not uncommon for cardboard cultures to grow any type of mold...
  18. goodolboy

    First Grow on Rollitup

    Thats why ive got the Acapulco Gold, Super Lemon Haze, Bubba Kush, Afghan Kush, and Red Diesel goin. Im hoping for atleast 2 good mothers out of all of them.
  19. goodolboy

    First Grow on Rollitup

    Nice.. I keep going through looking for the 2 pefect strains to crossbreed my own auto. Im starting to think Smurfberry or Double Diesel Ryder mixed with like auto lemon skunk or auto pakistani ryder