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  1. H

    wat can i fit??

    if i have a 4x4x6 box how many plants could i most likely fit?
  2. H

    setup help

    thanks for all the help! this summer im going to have a larger space about 3x3x6 so maybe i will have learned something by then... one last probably usin local seeds. However what did u use? If u got em offline please let me know what website cause if onlines got better chance of...
  3. H

    Correct times!

    what is the correct amout of light of each phase? how long does each phase take?? From research i have gotten this but idt its right. Seedling stage 4weeks light times is?? Veg is about 4-6 weeks light is??? flowering is about 4-6 week 12-12 light
  4. H

    would this work??

    how much u think i would yield if started out with abount 12 seeds (male and female)
  5. H

    please help this nub make it work

    the space i have to grow is about 2x2x3.5 so i geuss the only thing to do is scrog what are u supose to do... i have lighting and i have chicken wire but what are you suppose to do for pots? What is the best size to use? Also what are you suppose to do with the screen... when and where do u put...
  6. H

    Does this sound ok?

    totaly of topic, but do u know alot about scrog
  7. H

    would this work??

    If i began indoors, and let the plants grow for a couple weeks in little 7x5 pots and then transfer them outside in may would this work? when would they be all set for harvest?? Is august a possibility?
  8. H

    Does this sound ok?

    If i start a few inside until they are a couple weaks past sprouting, then transfer them outside in early may would that work out.... if i do that when will they be august a possibility
  9. H

    setup help

    i just realized...i can get my space to 3 1/2 feet in hieght (i dont think it will make a difference)...please feed me ur opinin though on the best way to get a good yield
  10. H

    setup help

    well we have talekd about a bunch of ways...i can tell by the way u talk, jakebakingacake, that i can fully trust ur opinion. As a 1st timer and with all the info u know about my case, what is the best way to go about this given my space to produce a good yield
  11. H

    setup help

    ok so im pretty much ok now except for one more thing...the main concept of scrog, ebing the screen... when and where do i put the screen and given my space how long shdu each pahse go for
  12. H

    SCROG...explain it simply plz!

    i have a small s[ace about 2x2x3... so what are u supose to do for the scrog i basically need to know how long it will take (stage) how many i can fit and wat size pot wats the dealw with the screen were and when do u put it sorry i know your gonna laugh at these stupid questions!
  13. H

    setup help

    first of all lighting....i am going to use CFLs. Next, i have a bunch of 7in. diameter 5in. depth pots and a few 1 gallon pots. SO if i use the screen of green what size pot shud i use (is the 7x5 ok)...and this way how many plants could i use...
  14. H

    setup help

    well id say id like plants that are 2 3/4 feet high and i plan on looking after them for a while...whats more effective in my situation a long or short veg
  15. H

    setup help

    i have a 2x2x3 grow many plants could a fit and how much would it yield most likely??
  16. H

    harvest time questionN!

    long story...whens the earliest i could harvest and is there a way to force an early harvest
  17. H

    harvest time questionN!

    if i start inside for the seedling stage, and transfer outside april 15th or so, is there any possible way i could harvest in mid-late july??
  18. H

    1st time help!

    thanks for the reply! how much for one of these filters im considerin using a cfls 5 or so at 42 watts each
  19. H

    1st time help!

    i only have about many plants could i fit? If i fit idk say like 3, how bad would the smell be and could i yield any buds if they were like 3 feet high?
  20. H

    outdoor help

    if i grow indoors and move a plant outside may 1st to vege, is there anyway i can have a july harvest?