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  1. H

    Grow Journal, CFL

    I have at least 13000
  2. H

    Grow Journal, CFL

    yeah i know that, its just the tips i havent actually pruned any leaves off in a week. i am gonna get 2 more 42's soon. so far i have 2 20 watt 2 30 watt 2 42 watt 1 15 watt so actually i have 200(199) and if i get those 2 more lights it'll be 283 watts :) thats enough for sure. and thanks...
  3. H

    Grow Journal, CFL

    hellz yeah thats how we do it in h-town nig. i am starting my 12/12 light cycle tomorrow! do you guys think it is ready? I have a little over 200 watts on it :fire: I also have clipped the tips off of some of the fan leaves, cuz I would rather the top grow than the fan leaves. I really dont...
  4. H

    Grow Journal, CFL

    bump up my post..
  5. H

    Grow Journal, CFL

    Thank you! well I got another 42 watt 2700k CFL :) it seems to be raping the plant :o Forgot to update yesterday, I had a lot going on. Well anyways, my plant is growing great. It has some heat burns on some of the leaves but I'm not trippin because the damage is very minimal. If worst comes...
  6. H

    Grow Journal, CFL

    It is prolly over 1.5 feet already. I plan to start budding this commin Friday.
  7. H

    Grow Journal, CFL

    My soil is fine, the ratio of miracle grow to compost/manure is 1/3. I know about miracle grow soil that's why I didn't use that much. It does have good qualities about it, I just don't like the fact that its hard to flush out. Well here are some pictures. I pruned off all of the large fan...
  8. H

    Grow Journal, CFL

    I would like to get an HPS for flowering, but if I can't I should be good with these lights huh? I have about 175 watts on it.
  9. H

    Grow Journal, CFL

    Hellz yeah. CFLs are fine. I just want an HPS for flowering. I want to start some more plants here pretty soon. I had 2 seedlings, but I pulled them. I am inpatiently waiting for the sex >:| i forgot to mention that I had the plant in 12/12 for like 8 days, cuz I wanted to see sex, but I had to...
  10. H

    Grow Journal, CFL

    Yeah I plan to use cfl the whole time. And I will get nutes when I can. The soil is the slow release kind. Ill post an update tomorrow it has grown quite a bit after I added the 42 watt.
  11. H

    Grow Journal, CFL

    Why bother opening the thread if you aren't gonna reply? Sounds like a waste of time..
  12. H

    Grow Journal, CFL

    Here is the update :) The plant bloomed during its rest period, new shoots popping up. I need to construct something soon to support my huge beam lamp. These sub woofers are getting annoying. And I'm running out of things to put under it to raise it up :/ Anyways.. Pictures! :D
  13. H

    Grow Journal, CFL

    About to post pictures soon :) I hope someone subscribes -_- Well at least someone with a know-how in the growin game.
  14. H

    Grow Journal, CFL

    This is my first real grow, I have grown before but I have had to clip the plant early due to parent problems. Now that I have my own place, I'm ready to get things started. Because of employment issues, I can't get anything big started now. So I decided to go the cheapest rout. Currently my...
  15. H

    my lady :)

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  16. H

    my lady :)

    Hell yeah man thanks for the info. I am actually very smart so this shit is all easy. I just need more lights this plant is really small. I just need the experience under my belt before I can make things happen. But I will keep this thread updated, is there a way for this thread to be moved to...
  17. H

    my lady :)

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  18. H

    my lady :)

    Oh shit lmao.. Well I did notice something about my plant this morning. Right behind one of those spikes at the top of my plant, there is something poking out. If I could say it looks like something, I would have to say it looks like a little point sprouting out. Is that the sex? Here look at...
  19. H

    my lady :)

    Oh and btw I didn't even take in to consideration of what glass freak said, I don't think he knows wtf he is talking about. Halogen lights are garbage x)
  20. H

    my lady :)

    Here are some pics. The one of a close up is of the main stem. You can see the female hairs poking out on both sides :p My humidity is 73%! How do I lower it ><