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    HELP!!! Nutrient lock...I think.

    I'm into my second week of flowering and my baby is starting to have yellow/green blochy leaves starting from the bottom up and the leaves around the rest of the plant, the pistels expeciallty are starting to wilt. I know my PH was off when I started investigating my problem, so I flushed the...
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    Can a person smoke pot and stay away from Meth?

    I don't believe it. If pot leads to meth then the only explaination is the user's lack of self-control.
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    PH Problems

    When I get some money I'm going to order a PH pen, but for now all I can do is watch the plant for signs of something going wrong. I covered the medium and the algae has disappeared completely. The leaves have also gone back to a beautiful lush green from being on the verge of turning yellow...
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    PH Problems

    My medium is 1 part vermiculite to 2 parts perlite. I will look into buying one of those pens. Do you have any recommendations as to a particular model or brand? You make it sound as if the algae could actually be beneficial. Say theorietically I decided to leave the algae alone, what would be...
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    PH Problems

    I've only been growing for 3 weeks, so obviously I've very new to this. I'm running a hydro system where each plant pot is its own resivour. It's really a cheap and rigged setup. First off, the leaves on the lower part of the plant are starting to slightly fade, and this kind of freaks me out...