Search results

  1. D

    Ideas for a more "automated" watering?

    Well heres the end result. Went to htg and licked up 100ft of 1/4 inch hose, ($11 and some change) and some 1/4 inch t drips ($0.23 each) and then went to the hardware and picked this little compression fitting ($2) a 5 gal bucket and a lid ($4ish) and some locktite sealer ($3) I drilled a 3/8...
  2. D

    are eBooks allowed on here?

    Well thats why i asked. Thanks!
  3. D

    Another way to clone

    I like this. I never thought of perlite for a medium. I havent actually gotten into cloning fully because im just starting out. (almost finished on 2nd crop) but ive been doing what i call "hillbilly cloning" just hitting the cut with gel and throwing into a shot glass of water in a 2×4×4 tent...
  4. D

    are eBooks allowed on here?

    So, being somewhat new around here im not too sure if this is allowed due to copyrighted material, but i have a couple eBooks that ive gotten here and there about growing. Can i get a mod/admin to give me a pm or reply to okay me to drop some files? Ive learned a lot here and thrown my few...
  5. D

    Transplant during flower? This is what i use. I told the guy he was nuts for trying to sell me a 5gal pot and tell me this is the only one id need. The cone in the...
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    First time grower(Durban SA)

    Also with that small of a light source you could build a box maybe to reflect? I have a friend who took a couple of reflective sheets of insulation and what would be like "chip clips" so for around 20 bucks he made a small portable reflective box for his babies. You can get a 4x8 sheet 1in thick...
  7. D

    How much perilite do i add to soil with none

    I agree with this. I was told 50/50 at first. So thats what i did and at the end of the cycle i found that i was throwing away perlite because a lot had settled to the top and it was almost like a full layer of snow floating on the top of every water/feed. When i cropped i checked out of...
  8. D

    Ideas for a more "automated" watering?

    I was debating between stakes and surface drippers but i went with the drippers because I am using a coco/soil mix substraint. I was told that the stakes can cause the coco to slowly compress and cause a hole around the surface area of the stake. Just left the store ans hopefully get everything...
  9. D

    Generating CO2 for unsealed room?

    hahaha. This is fucking genious!! I love it. now off to do more research...
  10. D

    Ideas for a more "automated" watering?

    If it feeds from the bottom how does it ensure that the water/feed reaches the roots on the top end of the pot? I think I am going to do something like Growdict's idea but this intrigues me.
  11. D

    Ideas for a more "automated" watering?

    This was pretty much exactly what i was looking for. I am SCRogging and I have a 4x4 pvc box so I dont want to crawl under a net anymore let alone for 3 of them. thanks! And thank you to everyone for all the different advice. For the record, Im running soil/coco mix.
  12. D

    Ideas for a more "automated" watering?

    I'm about to upgrade in size a bit. Going from 1 light in the bud room to 3 and I'm still running my feed out of gallon jugs. I've been looking into gravity feeders, ph controllers and ect. So my question is what are you guys using/recommend? I'm not trying to fully automate it or anything. Just...
  13. D

    What kind of training would you do? (Picture)

    If you're only doing the one plant under the light in a tent I recommend following the "West Coast Masters" style topping technique. let it grow until you have 6 branches top it above the sixth, trim the bottom two off and train the 4 top ones to grow sideways to the corners of your tent with...
  14. D

    Fans and carbon filters

    Sorry havent been on in a bit. But to answer you, As long as the fan isnt higher than the filter youre fine. My fan is 745 cfm. My filter is 750 cfm. If it were vise versa the filter would hold the fan back from pushing the last 5 cfm and the fan would most likely short out or burn up because...
  15. D

    Fans and carbon filters

    I may be wrong here, Because im also pretty new setting up carbon filters and im actually doing mine right now, but from what ive read and learned so far you should be okay. As long as theyre both 6 inches you can connect them with a hose clamp or with flexiduct and tape. It should still pull...
  16. D

    Anybody on the DE light setup yet?

    I'm about to switch over and I was wondering if anybody else is using the Double Ended bulb system yet, and if so what were your results compared to other light setups? I am currently running a 1000W MH/HPS setup and the price isn't too bad on the electric but from what I have been hearing a...
  17. D

    Secrets of the West Coast Masters

    Ha! no, it actually popped up right at the top of the threads. so thanks for that.
  18. D

    Is this a good grow tent kit to use for clones??

    also in addition to @coreywebster 's information, I would like to point out that a tent is not much extra "Security" except in terms of light being seen, these tents are a woven fabric on the back of thin reflective sheets for walls, so if you want to hide it from your parents then the tent is...
  19. D

    NEW grower need help

    Sorry bud, I dont know any info on LED lights, I know that they save the grower money on electrical and don't run nearly as warm. but that is all I know, if you want to do 2 plants, I have a buddy that uses a 4 x 4 x 8t tent with one 600w bulb he grows 4 small plants in there. you could do...
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    Secrets of the West Coast Masters

    Just checked, they're actually available at the site now, 2nd edition paperbacks are 28.00 plus shipping enjoy! I did.