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    5 wks flowering pics

    yes thought the same thing i had asked if it was nitro def and a few guys said NO nitro during flowering just leave could it be something other than nitro 1st grow learning bagseed hoping to get everything right for next grow! thanks for any and all help

    5 wks flowering pics

    Ok post a couple days ago about changing light cycle and said i would post a couple pics of her so here they are 5 wks into flowering 1st grow and enjoying every minute of it! put things together as i went along and still reading as much as i can next grow will be so much better thanks to you...

    fouth week cfl bagseed soil closet grow pics

    so how she coming along

    flowering at 5 weeks and 3 days. CFl 160 watts

    im at about 5 wks and everyday she thickens up. Looking good man!

    Changing light cycle???

    thanks guys

    Changing light cycle???

    5 weeks in flowering looking good question i had and think i know the answer just gut leave it alone. been flowering 5 wks 7am to 7pm can i leave off for 24 hr period and start up to change cycle to 7pm to 7am. without stressing or straight f ing things up? gut says just leave it would help to...

    home depot true 100w cfls $17!

    yes u need an adapter i posted like $7 dollars but very inexpensive i stumbled apon them. i bought mine online and got ripped all good though enjoying every bit of y 1st grow learning learning learning and piecing together as i go along next grow wich is vegging now bubblicious because sounds...

    home depot true 100w cfls $17!

    Looking around home depot today and came across these 100w cfl for $17.00 i payed almost $50 for 125w for vegging 6500k you can use with reagular fixture if you get attatchment online like $7. Kicker was i was looking in the light bulb section the biggest i could find was 32w. this bulb is in...

    Home depot true 100w cfl $17.00!

    Looking around home depot today and came across these 100w cfl for $17.00 i payed almost $50 for 125w for vegging 6500k you can use with reagular fixture if you get attatchment online like $7. Kicker was i was looking in the light bulb section the biggest i could find was 32w. this bulb is in...

    3 weeks flowering lighting??

    anything on splitting wattage in half half being 6500 and half 2700

    Bagseed flowering 3 wks. lighting?? (pics)

    should have posted here to begin with. Ok i am in the 3rd week of flowering in a rubbermaid.i have been picking things up as i go along as i read and understand more. stated vegg under a couple true 125 cfl's even though after reading 1 might have done the job. flowering under 5 true 32 watt...

    3 weeks flowering lighting??

    Ok i am in the 3rd week of flowering in a rubbermaid.i have been picking things up as i go along as i read and understand more. stated vegg under a couple true 125 cfl's even though after reading 1 might have done the job. flowering under 5 true 32 watt and 1 68 cfl's. Now the question i have...

    First grow. Day 5 Fish Tank Lights. Pics Attached.

    They look much better lokking really good! Another thing to keep in mind i noticed soil really wet in every pic maybe coincidence you want that MG to dry out and slow the nute release. they look good so dont think they are overwatered. will keep my eye on grow.

    (Noob, 1st Timer) (pics) Any Advice, please give!!

    what kind of gap do you have between plants out there now? they will be much happier out side

    6500k vs2700k

    get a couple more 6500k it will get you through vegg. when you hit flowering get as many of those 68 w as you can you wont yeild a huge amount but enought to make you a happy camper until can learn and upgrade almost finished with my 1st grow biggest cfl's i could find at home depot. coming along!

    Polak Grow

    Looking good! I am going to attempt to top my second grow wich seeds just popped throught soil last night. Bubblelicious. Keep up the great work.

    SLH - BB Cheese - SSH 12 's since 3-21-10

    wow very nice! with 43 days to go cant wait to see fishied!

    Big bloom and Bud candy???

    bump for the morning!