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  1. L

    Just Starting Out

    yes it does save time assuming you dont get a diseased plant you are cloning from and it doesnt destroy your whole crop. Unfortunatly but fortunatley I have switched to autos so dont have the liberty of cloning anymore but with a cloner its much easier and faster and u can almost garuntee...
  2. L

    5 weeks in do i need to prune?

    uhm... I wouldnt necissarily prune but removing a couple (2 at most) fan leaves is perfectly fine... you want most of the vegitation on the plant but normally I will remove the 5th node fan leavesto let more light in as well as introduce side lights... you may also LST, never tried paperclipping...
  3. L

    Carbon filter

    personally I would have made 1... can do it cheap. Should clean most the odor but the olfactory is a weird thing... may not be dank to u but someone may pick it up. Im assuming u have a intake and exaust????
  4. L

    When do you start flower?

    +1... Normally 6-8 weeks in veg, I dont go by height so much as I like to keep mine as compact as possible under CFLs until they preflower then let em stretch out a lil under the HPS in 12/12
  5. L

    Just Starting Out

    the problem with clones vs seeds is... unless u know someone currently growing, its hard to get clones, easy to get seeds- so starting out for that reason alone I would go with seeds. Now that being said all things considered, if you have access to clones I would still start of with seeds for...
  6. L

    Can a plant be MALE and FEMALE

    I guess besides smoke it... hermies produce male and female flowers... aka buds and pollen sacs??? so why not pluck them off or use a reversal spray to take care of the sacs... personally I would like a lil pollen if I had the reversal spray and pollenate a female for a chance at more females...
  7. L

    help me out take a look

    np bro... u can always do what u want, up to u just dont wanna see u discouraged.
  8. L

    First timer, need low maintenance

    Yep best bet for what ur lookin for. Wouldnt go with LR though maybe LR 2 or a mix of your liking. They are made for bad climates and dont need optimum atmpsphere.
  9. L

    help me out take a look

    no need for pics... I think I saw it a couple days ago (last time u posted) personally if it were me I would keep vegging it less ur wanting like a dimer off it. You can veg plants indefinatley and they will thicken and yield more when ready.... or you could start to flower and always throw it...
  10. L

    Ubernoob: AeroGarden & Lowryder?

    have to check with a few friends about "topping" LRs cause ur height is gonna get above 14" most likley. Topping is just basically breaking the top growth off just below the node right before top growth. I dont know if it will lessen yeild or affect auto flower in any way so I wouldnt do it...
  11. L

    help me out take a look

    just water when soil is dry to the touch (about an inch down) and ur prob gonna have to tie that 12" up so it wont break on u should it get a bud (the stem is really weak) wont get any real side shut buds cause there arent any extra branch leaves I can see forming yet. good luck on that 1.
  12. L

    Ubernoob: AeroGarden & Lowryder?

    agreed.... here issome pics from another 1st time grower for u to cross refference... same age and strain plants:
  13. L

    Ubernoob: AeroGarden & Lowryder?

    good start.... which light did u go with? they are stretching a lil (getting tall) before they need to. Is that as far as the light top goes down keeping the light as close as possible without burning the back of your hand is a good rule of thumb... normally 2" with CFL would like some close ups...
  14. L

    help me out take a look

    nute burn or deficiency...cant tell without more info. Node spacing is looking loads better more vegging at the top definatley. Dont worry too much about lower leaves falling off they will do that from time to time....but do check the PH of your water, not to be funny but since your mom...
  15. L

    help me out take a look

    cool... keep an eye on em they can grow up to 2 in a night and might get into the light
  16. L

    help me out take a look

    was happening to me too...(everyone) server down or adding something etc. you will know if they are daylight...also look for sunlight same basic thing dif name. Lumens is what to look 4. look at ur daylight bulb pack if u still have it something like 6500k on the light spectrum and 2300k...
  17. L

    help me out take a look

    Yes it is... Sry havent been around for a couple days but glad to see you have some decent lights. I can tell u have 1 daylight and 1 soft white which is why I suggested daylight you can really tell the dif. When you get your next check I would suggest replacing the soft white bulbs with 200W...
  18. L

    help me out take a look

    also...quick note about pics, I think some ppl aren't really aware of what they are doing. Make sure all personal shyt is outta the way b4 taking a pic and posting it here. Last pic shows a kid in it... and the 1st ones show a magazine with an address label that Im sure you can almost make out...
  19. L

    help me out take a look

    agreed... also wont have enough money to finish a grow with...transplanting more soil etc. Havent seen an (sucessful) indoor grow cost less than $100 from start to finish unless lights/soil donated. I would keep going with that (what u have) for now and learn from it. Sure you can start new...
  20. L

    What is clf

    How'd u know... shyt can u see me? Lol anyway took me 4 min. to calm down and write that was blank when I clicked quick reply then hit send and had like 2 other msgs b4 me... didnt know that many ppl would take interest to a question that has been asked 5,000 times without searching