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  1. L

    What is clf

    wow... this took like not only no searching on the forum but no searching in any search engine like google either. A quick search for CFL brings up about 10 pages worth of info. Since I am feeling nice right now I will put a quick reply as to what they are... C- Compact F- Florecent L- Lights...
  2. L

    autoflowering mix

    have you been able to tell yet what was in your mix? And do you know how much you yielded per plant or in total?
  3. L

    autoflowering mix

    great ... I got some AK x Blueberry and cant get anyone to respond as to what it smells like during grow and how strong so IDK if I can get by with a few auto misters and some odor gels or if I need to look into a DIY carbon scrubber. BTW what was ur net dry out of how many plants... I know a...
  4. L

    help me out take a look

    ok..hope your listening here... C, F, L (compact florecent lights) they are very inexpensive, almost the cost of 1 pack of regular light bulbs, they plug into normal light sockets, they only take up 42 actual wattage for 200W comp. They are the little squiggley/twisted looking lights you see...
  5. L

    help me out take a look

    um.... dude what kinda light u got????? You say its a small growing light but um... not to be mean or anything but you might get a bud off that plant... You really need some more light if its cost your worried about go get some CFLs 200 Watt daylight blue spec (not soft white) u'll be much...
  6. L

    autoflowering mix

    just started 1 myself (LR auto's) did u have a carbon scrubber or did it just stick up ur whole house?
  7. L

    help me out take a look

    DDriver... I read another post of yours about the foil. Its not bad to use that in a pinch you just have to use the dull side... it does reflect light unlike mirrors and is perfectly fine for seedlings and vegging. Light closer, possibly more light at the right spectrum and a fan.
  8. L

    Energy Saving Light Bulbs

    hoods are $6 USD get a few. Also foil isnt that bad use the dull side...the only bad part about foil is 1 it loses a little light 2 on the shinny side it actually builds heat spots which can burn ur plant. Also 200W daylight CFL's are better for vegging.
  9. L

    help me out take a look

    fan... agreed, need to thicken up those stems... CFL light closer
  10. L

    Different way of coloring weed

    How in the hell should I know.....never eaten cow shyt...
  11. L

    Germnination Malfunction!

    2 things: 1 put them on a heat source I prefer using a tupperware container rather than the plates and putting those on top of my monitor, heating mat (not blanket), or some other warm place- this seems to speed up the process 2 you might try scuffing or cracking the seeds to do this I put...
  12. L

    aerogarden w/150w hps (diesel ryder, lowryder#2)

    how many watts and what type is the CFL that it came with? CFL's come in a varaiety like Daylight, Soft white, etc.... do you know how many lumens? You can get at least 3 in there but they can get kind of big too so I dont know if you aero is the short or tall 2' type but I know someone who...
  13. L

    how long do seeds.......................?

    Id also get a heating mat...not a heating pad that u'd pt on your back but a mat like aquarium reptile heat pad. this helps the warmth and humidity and helps the seeds break open.
  14. L

    Help Please anybody!!!!!!!!!!!!

    yeah.... +1 MG sucks for regular grows...although some will disagree. Does your MG tell how much nutes is in it... ie 5-15-15 etc. What you probably wanna do is flush it probably have some salt build up too then next time you nute do it with a more weed friendly nute.
  15. L

    I'm a little confused...

    ur welcome bud anytime... Id really look into autos I have nothing to do with them other than growing them... my 1st grow was bag seed did nice but I am impatient and can count on autos for 2 oz per plant sex early and not much maintenence. I think you'll have some luck there but ultimatley up...
  16. L

    I'm a little confused... now a persons political standing would have something to do with their grow knowledge?... anyway name calling aside: You are honestly suggesting it would be easier to sprout a seed or several, buy an HPS and MH complete with ballast..wiring, hood, cooling system...
  17. L

    I'm a little confused...

    I think everyone is missing a main point in his question This statement is obviously for cloning purposes: How many ppl have harvested 8-16 oz in 3 months that werent growing auto's (LR's) and not starting from clones?....hell even starting from clones would be quite hard in 3 months...
  18. L

    I'm a little confused...

    reading too much into it... here is a simple setup that should get you there.. its gonna be closer to 8 oz til u can get enough experience unless ur just a natural. 1st step: Try growing Organic you will need 3 bags of promix soil or soil of your choice a) it needs to contain peat moss...
  19. L

    Get in here people

    well unfortunatley I cant even click it to enlarge to see if you have any perlite or vermic in it. Personally I'd prefer to know what I was growin in. It doesnt look like you have any perlite or vermiculite in it I would buy some (its a draining and retaining agent for water) helps drainage...
  20. L

    Get in here people

    WTF... where in the hell did u get it... do they have a hardware store or hydro shop near u... go spend the $4 usd to get a bag of promix ur gonna need lots of soil anyway. for 8 plants your lookin at about 12 1/2 cubic ft of soil (I think ... I buy em by the bags dont really pay attention to...