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    White Rhino under CFLs

    still no update from rock? :(
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    My First Grow Journal

    getting very bushy now but not really stretching which i dont know if its a good thing if the nodes are so tightly packed?
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    First Grow! Low start-up cost, learning as I go.

    they do nothing anyway so dont worry about it - the only thing i would say is tat light seems a bit too close - how many watts?
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    Half Harvest: 318 grams wet....Big bud

    how much did you yield dry norma?
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    My First Grow Journal

    ok so my 4 new 30w daylights arrived, im only using two of them at the moment and 1 i have hung directly over the autos spouts which are still looking a bit shit
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    A Bored Electrician to Answer Your Questions

    i couldnt find anything i needed to do to it, but i remembered that when i was looking at them in the shop some of them had their LEDs on and others off - i picked up an off one because i thought it hadnt been tampered with so i was in the same area today with that shop again and i went and...
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    A Bored Electrician to Answer Your Questions

    anyone know about the emt757 digital timer? It is a brand new Everflourish emt 757 timer clock will not work out of the box. There is no display even when plugged in. I think at the end of the very vague instructions it says that the device will be fully charged after 2 hours. It doesn't say...
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    White Rhino under CFLs

    thats good to hear rock, is it smoking well? how powerful is it? i was looking forward to seeing you reply in here in an effort to find out how long my plants were going to grow - i checked your posts to see when you spouted til when you harvested - so 2 and a half months, is that right? how...
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    A Bored Electrician to Answer Your Questions

    seen your led grow thread slix, quite impressive when you asked the two questions 1. yes i might when the weather is cooler drop the intake/exhaust/fan to just come on twice an hour lets say 2. i dont think so but i could check if i was just to use 1 timer
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    A Bored Electrician to Answer Your Questions

    that means basically im going to have a 6 socket extension lead with probably 4 or more of them plugged in (500watts or thereabouts) and all ready to go at the same time once the main (only) timer turns on? is it not safer to have a few different timers switching on a few minutes after each other?
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    Wondering if im putting out enough or using to much for flowering.

    depends on the amount of warm light your going to use pics always help (to incriminate)
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    A Bored Electrician to Answer Your Questions

    no problem :hump: whats better - lots of timers or just one or two?
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    A Bored Electrician to Answer Your Questions

    Maybe try and clean it from time to time?
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    frist grow! cfl pics.

    what type of light are you using? how many watts? what is your setup? how long did you veg that for?
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    A Bored Electrician to Answer Your Questions

    i read a good few pages of this thread and i hope you dont mind me asking you for something that probably has already been asked first question i suppose is - can i plug one extension lead into another one? i read a lot of conflicting answers - some people saying no its dangerous and others...
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    Need help with light setup.

    lads, lads, your all arseholes and pricks
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    Quick lighting question....

    yeah i would keep it on the same schedule, i cant image it will do it any harm
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    my cfl plant

    the buds do look a bit small alright - how many more weeks of flowering does it need?
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    My First Grow Journal

    so this is them 16 days from planting - should i be worried about their leaves curling inwards like that?
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    My First Grow Journal

    ohh yeah i knew there was something, i have been only misting them so far, just around the base of the stem today i started to water them just using a little by little approach i might leave them alone tomorrow and see what the reaction is to this increase in water in the soil