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  1. dimajna

    Flushing question involving tap water

    Thanks for the info! I like the Heavy Duty Fruity. Got 2 free seeds from the attitude promo. Got 2 females.. I vegged this one for about a month under only 80w soft white floros...then under a 600w. Didn't pay much attention to her so im suprised how it handled some nutrient burn and ph...
  2. dimajna

    Flushing question involving tap water

    Sound good? I'm about to do this
  3. dimajna

    Flushing question involving tap water

    I've got a Heavy Duty Fruity at 56 days in soil. My city tap water is about 450ppm and around 8.4ph. Is it okay to flush with this water? What about if i PH adjust it? HDF is in a 3g container so I use 12 gallons a day everyday for about a week or two??
  4. dimajna

    1st Indoor DWC/ScrOG Grow! 400watter!

    Looking good...have they showed sex yet? Did ya take some clones?
  5. dimajna

    1st Indoor DWC/ScrOG Grow! 400watter!

    Ill be growing serious chronic soon so ill be pulling up a chair. The ph will may have too adjust daily.
  6. dimajna

    Moving apartments to start a Med Grow (plz help)

    Im in a 70's style one bedroom apt running around 2500 watts. No problems so far. You should be fine.
  7. dimajna

    What happens in a power outage

    They didn't say anything about coming into the apt. I hope they don't want too, but in case they do i should be able to control the smell. The actual grow is in a tent in the bedroom...absolutely no reason for them to go in there though. I was thinking about renting a generator from home...
  8. dimajna

    What happens in a power outage

    I'm growing in an apartment & using DWC buckets. Im 3 days in to 12/12. Today there were flyers on everyones doors stating that the management would be installing new electrical panels on the 15th and "you may or may not experience extended power outages on this day". 1) How long can my...
  9. dimajna

    Leave problems (pics). Help with diagnosis

    Flushed the unhealthy ones with pure RO water for 3 days: Just gave them all buckets Fresh RO 0-8-16- Lucas + 2.5mg per gallon of Botanicare Cal-Mag plus (good dose?) PPM 1000 PH 5.8 I killed the badly effected one, and the next bad looking one hasn't gotten any worse. Hopefully its all good...
  10. dimajna

    Leave problems (pics). Help with diagnosis

    All I know is the problem is advancing. I killed one, and its looking like i'll have to kill one or two more most likely. I have 3 healthy ones that don't have the problem all that bad...yet. I feel like I'm gonna lose them all, and I don't understand why. :wall: I had one other grow years...
  11. dimajna

    Leave problems (pics). Help with diagnosis

    Well I already put a couple that are in the early stages in pure RO water. I'll probably pull the badly effected one. I generally keep the PH around 5.8-6.3. I don't try to fool with it too much. They are all pretty light green, so I've considered that maybe it was too little nitrogen...
  12. dimajna

    Leave problems (pics). Help with diagnosis

    Thanks for the quick replys, Ill go ahead and give them just straight RO water for a few days. The light is air cooled by a 6"inch 406cfm Sunleaves Windtunnel. Light is 20" inches away. They are 20 days old. I bought a cheap humidifier and got what Id paid for. Any humidifier recommendations?
  13. dimajna

    Leave problems (pics). Help with diagnosis

    Please help. Most of my plants seem to be having the same problem to some degree. The one that has it the worst is clearly dying. I want to fix it before I lose them all. Leaves are turning yellow/brown in spots and curling upward. I believed it to be a magnesium defeicency, so I gave...
  14. dimajna

    Plant falling over

    Its not great to get to that point, but fine to cover up a stretched out seedling's stem with soil. Do you have any pics? I'm thinking it needs a lot more light if its already 7 inches.
  15. dimajna

    Added Fluros to my 1000watt hps

    Nice, that should help. What strain/s are you growing? What size space?
  16. dimajna

    Good air pump for 6 5 gallon buckets?

    Thinking about going with 4-6 DWC buckets. A single air pump that I can be confident in to supply all that would be great. The quieter the better. Any suggestions? Is there an ideal wattage per gallon or GPH/LPM?
  17. dimajna

    Which 600w light to go with?

    Hi I'm planning on going with a 600w mh/hps light in a 4x4 tent. I'll be vegging and flowering from seed. Which set up do you like the best? A B...