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  1. Ov3rkill

    2010 grow.

    idk what stains im gonna sue yet im gonna order that voer the winter. and new england is the upper eastern part of the USA. incase ne1 else grows up here can give me some pointers
  2. Ov3rkill

    2010 grow.

    im gonna be growin outdoors in new england next season. im tryin to keep it as natural as possible but also tryin to go for good yield and growth. i dont want to use any nuts. any sujestions or tips or ideas. oh and if it helps ive previously grown indoors. i need tips on whens the best...
  3. Ov3rkill

    First grow questions

    when germinating you dont even need to have lights on untill they pot out of the ground. and right when that happens put them on for 12/12 then move them when ur rdy
  4. Ov3rkill

    Those yummy yummy brownies

    mmk ill be sure to make some this weekend
  5. Ov3rkill

    Those yummy yummy brownies

    bump anyone?
  6. Ov3rkill

    Those yummy yummy brownies

    hey i wanna make some really special brownies jsut wonderin how to make them. possibly a link or some1 no step by step directions? i no how to make reg brownies i jsut duno what to do with the weed and how much id need
  7. Ov3rkill

    Want to grow my first plant!!

    keep us updated on your grow man maybe even some pics
  8. Ov3rkill

    I have a ques.a answer couldsave the life of my girls!

    i would go with 18/6 for light till u switch to flowering and yea fan will help beef up the stems and make the plant strong
  9. Ov3rkill

    My plants are growing too fast.

    lets see some pics man
  10. Ov3rkill

    I just got my seeds in the mail...

    let us know how it goes man
  11. Ov3rkill

    2 weeks of veg

    deff go get like 4 cfls and put them about 3-4 inches away from the plant
  12. Ov3rkill

    Well Tomorrow Is The Day

    they have a nice per lite mix at the homedepot i went 2
  13. Ov3rkill

    thicken up them stems!!

    i have 1 house fan and 1 computer fan blowing on my plant get it movin pretty well. is there any other methods to thicken up and make the stems stronger?
  14. Ov3rkill

    1st grow help

    im useing MG and im not haveing ne problems with germination. right now im comming up on 2 weeks into veg state and no burns or nething, jsut make sure u get a good MG soil
  15. Ov3rkill


    just make sure the circuit breaker will handle the amount of amps and your set
  16. Ov3rkill


    residential dwelling units (houses) are 120/240 volts im an electrician
  17. Ov3rkill

    light direction help

    im using a 23w cfl and a 65w grow light. im closeing in on 2 weeks from germ. till today i just had the 65w going 18/6 but its not hovering directly over the plant due to the room i have to grow (stealth) i just added the cfl and i have it hanging 2-3 inches over my baby (1 plant) im hoping for...
  18. Ov3rkill

    computer fans

    ok thanks guys not so much a closet im growing in but more so a cabinet its level with an open window for fresh air
  19. Ov3rkill

    computer fans

    how would i be able to power a computer fan to provide ventilation? the only way i no how to run a comp fan is hooking up to the motherboard.