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  1. Bills dead

    White people, particularly men:

    I couldn't wait for you to chime in with your standard retard reply. You just come here to hate and troll. What a sad life you must lead.
  2. Bills dead

    White people, particularly men:

    Not looking for a race war but I hear way more hate from the black community than anywhere else. If you're going to do something about it then either fight or help your community become better than the stereotypes.
  3. Bills dead

    White people, particularly men:

    Feel free to gather up your people and take up arms against your white oppressors. 10% 9% 8%.....
  4. Bills dead

    Guide to Nutrient Deficiency or Toxicity

    Again this looks like magnesium def. Yellow leaves green veins. Starts on the outside of the leaf and works in. Also starts at the bottom of the plant and goes up. Could very well be related to your unknown PH
  5. Bills dead

    Guide to Nutrient Deficiency or Toxicity

    Coco handles calcium and magnesium differently than other mediums. From what I've read it is still needed. Your 1 gallon pots may be ready for twice a day feedings
  6. Bills dead

    Iron deficiency or after effects from underwater?

    Looks like nute burn and calcium deficiency
  7. Bills dead

    My lady looks sick, what am i doing wrong?

    Yep calcium and magnesium.
  8. Bills dead

    Overwater or underwater?

    You've got purple stems and rust spots. Purple stem is calcium and yellowing with rust spots is magnesium. Fix your deficiencies and they should spring back to life
  9. Bills dead

    My lady has a few issues.. Please help

    Just an amateur here but it looks like over watering and cal mag deficiency
  10. Bills dead

    Help top skinny leaves

    The leaves are curled under and your tips are burnt. Your 1000 watts are cooking it
  11. Bills dead

    Correct temperature setting for Seedling Mat?

    75 to 80 is optimal
  12. Bills dead

    Help meeee

    I run in coco with CES using RO water and 7ml of cal-mag per gallon. plants look great. Run off in coco not that important.
  13. Bills dead

    is this subpanel OK?

    That's way overkill for your needs but if that's what you have use it. Looks like a pain to setup
  14. Bills dead

    3x3x6'7" tent dehumidifier recommendations

    I use the Inkbird temp and humidity controllers and so far so good but I use a ducted window ac for my dehumidifier
  15. Bills dead

    Ballast decision making help...

    I went with Solis tek because they didn't use Chinese parts. Only a month of trouble free usage so far.