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  1. J

    switching lighting cycle question

    Bulilt a cab, moved plants in (from outside) and turned it all on, left it on for about 10 hours, then turned the lights offf as temps were 35 C . Now i want to run the lights at night to try and keep it cooler. should i just wait until tomorrow night to turn the lights back on? how long a dark...
  2. J

    new cab too hot?

    possible but very expensive for me, i live and work in a developing country so import goods are crazy expensive comparatively. not really an option I'm afraid. thanks for the suggestion though!
  3. J

    new cab too hot?

    i cant buy air cooled hoods in the country where i live (well not easily anyway) not even a regular reflector! i could build one i guess but seems like too much work. i'll test it with the active intake now and see what happens. Do you think having a fan blowing at the bulb will help?
  4. J

    new cab too hot?

    Just built and tested my grow box, its about 40cm x 120cm and about 130 cm tall, 400 w HPS , 280 cmm bathroom fan installed in the top corner, passive intake in the opposite bottom corner (this intake is currently too small, only half the size of the outake) . after running for half an hour the...
  5. J

    Photoperiod for Larger Yields

    I can understand giving a plant long dark periods to induce budding, but continuing to give less than 12 hours of light a day seems madness- "the more light the better", so long as it is not enough to return the plant to vegetative growth. as far as i know some strains can be given 13 or 14...
  6. J

    Secret garden under my house

    good work mate, wish i had a secret room under my house! have you got 2 seedlings in one? or did it just grow like that from the start? how is the bubbler working, looks good! i like to keep it simple and yours seems that way. happy growing
  7. J

    (CONTEST) !Best CFL Bud! (CONTEST)

    Looking good, Budforless, glad to see some decent looking buds from cfls . what strain is that? I understand why you wont be using cfls again though. so much hassle of moving them around . my friend has a cfl set up which i was checking for him when on holiday. He's just bought a metal halide (a...
  8. J

    fdd's flavor of the week

    I've just grown some weed outdoors which looks very similar to your Hijack FDD, do you know the origin of this strain? my seeds were in the GS megamix , which you have also grown i belive. just trying to identify my pot. i'll post some pics in a few days.
  9. J

    Biggest NUGG branch snapped off cuz of weather

    same happened to me, but it didn't break right off, i tied it up to other big nugg next door. we'll see what happens. but hell yeah, smoke that shit!
  10. J

    industrial hemp= no more outdoor sensemilla

    ^^Hear Hear!!! ^^ you would have to be close , i guess they can travel for a few miles in the wind though. the benefits of "industrial" hemp far outweigh having some seeds in your bud; as we all know it grows very fast and can be harvested 4 times(i think) a season , has many many uses. It also...
  11. J

    Pics of My First Harvest...Purple Buds

    those look the shit! nice job!
  12. J

    The best DIY EZ walmart DWC CLONER for MICRO grows. Zen style

    Great tut. i'm gonna try this one. Does your tape really block all the light out? i found that light can shine through this tape.
  13. J


    looking good, are you just using CFLs? if so how many ? looks like you could use some more on the sides, maybe a flouro tube(t5 or something) mounted horizontally would work for you.
  14. J

    Signs of sex? (with pics)

    i think its too early to tell, you'll know a lady when you see one, there will be a little teardrop shaped pod thing, with two white hairs coming out in a V shape. the same hairs as you can see on a bud.
  15. J

    My first time flowering outside, how is it looking?

    looking good man! got at least another 6 weeks till harvest i reckon. keep us posted
  16. J

    BUG'S Please Help

    you mean like a pitcher plant? or a venus flytrap? this could work but the bugs may be too small for the plant. Why not try a carnivorous bug- like the deadly ladybug! go buy 50 or so of them and dump them over your plants, they will hang around till there is nothing left to eat then move on. if...
  17. J

    smelly purple weed! ready?

    your not even in the right continent!
  18. J

    smelly purple weed! ready?

    you are not correct! nobody is correct, in fact you all couldn't be more wrong!
  19. J

    Harvesting in a Box

    all sounds a bit much to me, i just hung mine on clothes hangers and threw them in my wardrobe, and closed the door. (put the clothes in a different one first-don't wanna be going to work stinking of green). i had a fan on in the room pointed at the wardrobe and left the window open, kept the...
  20. J

    when should i put my buds in mason jars?

    I'm curing some now and it only hung for 3 days , was pretty dry and is not getting much wetter in the jars, even if its closed for over a day. drying some other stuff now that's taking longer though, i'll let you know how it turns out.