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  1. mustaineaddict
  2. mustaineaddict

    2L bottle grows

    thats basically what I was thinking of doing. I think after this current dark period is over tonight i'll make the switch
  3. mustaineaddict

    2L bottle grows

    So i'm facing a dilemma. I've been vegging my plant out for the past 25 days in a 2L bottle with the top cut off filled with soil. The plant has become completely rootbound and hasn't grown much bigger the past 10 days. Now it is showing female preflowers, my concern is would transferring it...
  4. mustaineaddict

    Light Leak Question

    It's only a few minutes during the 12 hour dark period so I didn't think it would make much of a difference.
  5. mustaineaddict

    Light Leak Question

    Hello all, I'm currently doing a microgrow. I vegged out 5 plants with 24/0 light for 20 days, brought it down to 18/6 for a week, and now for the past 5 days I have been at 12/12 trying to force flower. So far there are no signs of preflowers or anything but the plants have grown very rapidly...
  6. mustaineaddict

    Can I use coco coir instead of soil for growing?

    Depending on where you live you might just be able to step outside and use the soil in your backyard. I live in the midwest and i've grown a half dozen plants using the dirt from outside. I understand though that I come from an area with some of the most fertile soil on Earth, but if its an...
  7. mustaineaddict

    first time takin acid

    ok it was def bunk shit. i felt it for about 10 mins hard but i didnt se any hallucinations or colors or movement. it felt more like ectasy but for a short amount of time and it was way weaker.
  8. mustaineaddict

    first time takin acid

    i took 1 hit to start and i didnt feel shit so i took another 50 mins after. my toungue tingles but im not trippin. so i took a 3rd like 25 mins ago. my friend said it was white fluff and its little white paper squares. any thoughts?
  9. mustaineaddict

    7 days into flowering and no signs of sex?

    ok thanks. and i swithced them over to 12/12 when i saw them start to alternate nodes. i am limited on space so thats why i did it early. i heard u can start flowering when ever you want. this does not need to be the most perfect plant in the world. i have time issues that i need to go by.
  10. mustaineaddict

    7 days into flowering and no signs of sex?

    yeah i saw that. it doesnt looks like the 3 balls i got on my first male. its just a tiny spec.
  11. mustaineaddict

    7 days into flowering and no signs of sex?

    new pics for flowering pics 1, 2, and 5 are the plant on the right and 3,4 is the plant on the left
  12. mustaineaddict

    7 days into flowering and no signs of sex?

    yeah i will take new pics right now. be back in 20
  13. mustaineaddict

    7 days into flowering and no signs of sex?

    same here. my last plant was a male in 5 days. i guess thats just an unlucky number. i guess its better that they take longer.
  14. mustaineaddict

    7 days into flowering and no signs of sex?

    2nd Grow I have 2 plants and both of them arent showing signs of flowering. it has been one week and its about to start day 8. bagseed These plants are 31 days old. i started to flower them at day 24. For Flowering: i have 2 42 watt 2700k bulbs 3 23 watt 2700k bulbs 3 13...
  15. mustaineaddict

    Day 30 - 5-6 days into flower - badseed

    Here are better quality pictures. As you can see there are no real signs of flowering. today is one week into flowering
  16. mustaineaddict

    Day 30 - 5-6 days into flower - badseed

    i heard lights should be 1-2 inches from foilage
  17. mustaineaddict

    Is this heat burn or nute burn or dehydration? Please advise..

    Lose the tin foil. IT creates heat spots in your grow room. use mylar
  18. mustaineaddict

    Day 30 - 5-6 days into flower - badseed

    thanx. i heard a mix of kelvin is ideal to the real sun. i have mostly 2700k for flowering but it isnt flowering yet so should put more 6500k in my box for the time being?
  19. mustaineaddict

    Day 30 - 5-6 days into flower - badseed

    bagseed* Any Suggestions would be appreciated. These plants are 30 days old. i started to flower them at day 24. For Flowering: i have 2 42 watt 2700k bulbs 3 23 watt 2700k bulbs 3 13 watt 2700k bulbs 1 105 watt6500k bulb it is set at 12/12. I used 18/6 for veg...
  20. mustaineaddict

    Day 65 Sexing Questions

    Been posting periodically on here, just wanted to show everyone a quick update on my girl. She is now 65 days old, and i think is starting to show signs of being the female. It appears that two pistols are beginning to come out of the nearly microscopic ball at the base of the branches. Just...