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  1. Hanky92

    World of Seeds Strawberry Blue LST - Flower

    Can't stop taking pictures..
  2. Hanky92

    World of Seeds Strawberry Blue LST - Flower

    Same man, really starting to run our of time with mine, hope it turns quickly!
  3. Hanky92

    World of Seeds Strawberry Blue LST - Flower

    DAY 37 WEEK 5 OF FLOWER. getting bored now.. Really wanna smoke some it smells so dam good! Got some slight nute burn on a couple of lower leafs, but literally only a couple so not doing anything at all about it. All trichs still clear :( but being 75 percent sativa I'm expecting another 2...
  4. Hanky92

    My Stealth Box v2

    I know what u mean about exciting and boring at the same time! I'm at the stage where I keep checking trichs nothings going on, the plant looks the same to me every time I see it now! Hurry up I want to smoke you! Lovely grow tho man well done :)
  5. Hanky92

    World of Seeds Strawberry Blue LST - Flower

    Looking frosty, hoping they still have a fair bit of swelling to do as the budsites could still be fuller, bit what a strain! I honestly recommend anyone to grow strawberry blue, so easy to work with responds very well to lst as you can see, and I'm now nicknamed this plant.... Mr frosty. It...
  6. Hanky92

    World of Seeds Strawberry Blue LST - Flower

    Hey guys, took a few glamour pictures yesterday, thought I'd share :)
  7. Hanky92

    My Stealth Box v2

    Id agree and leave it another week or two, judging from the hairs it could definitely go a bit longer without any trouble. Nice grow man enjoy the smoke! Can't wait for the weigh in and smoke report.
  8. Hanky92

    World of Seeds Strawberry Blue LST - Flower

    Thanks guys, glad you could comment.
  9. Hanky92

    World of Seeds Strawberry Blue LST - Flower

    UPDATE - WEEK 4 DAY 30 Hey folks! How are we all doing? Sorry for the slow updates, but you know life's busy at the moment! The girls looking good, some slight leaf discolouration and crispness but only on certain leaves so I'm not going to worry too much at this time. I dropped the plant a...
  10. Hanky92

    kill all dangerous dogs

    What a ridiculous pointless and senseless thing too say. Why don't we just kill you as your annoying people on a forum, that's worse imo ;p
  11. Hanky92

    NerdGrower ||*Micro/Stealth PC-Growbox Log

    Cheers buddy, If u have space try out the method of lst that I used!
  12. Hanky92

    NerdGrower ||*Micro/Stealth PC-Growbox Log

    NERD! what is up mannn? How's u been? I was really hoping someone involved in my old post would pop up, and here your are! Good luck on your second grow man, mines mid way through flower now check it out, peace
  13. Hanky92

    World of Seeds Strawberry Blue LST - Flower

    Should let me meow hehehe Thanks man I'll check it out in a moment that sounds awesome, mines about a foot and a half with 6 colas (one in the middle is slightly smaller). I took some snaps a moment ago because the frost this thing Is throwing about for its age is incredible! Check it folks!
  14. Hanky92

    World of Seeds Strawberry Blue LST - Flower

    I won't let me on your profile as it says you have limited the people that can see it, I have seen some other SB grows with ridiculously fat buds so I'm praying I end up with something good, any guess what I may yield?
  15. Hanky92

    My Stealth Box v2

    Not sure about your problem maybe some slight nute burn, nice looking Bush you have there tho! Good luck man
  16. Hanky92

    World of Seeds Strawberry Blue LST - Flower

    Thanks man I'm really happy with it so far! Fingers crossed all goes well and those buds swell nice and fat!
  17. Hanky92

    World of Seeds Strawberry Blue LST - Flower

    I also bought a vaporizer last week and I'm really not sure if I like it or not, any of you guys use one?
  18. Hanky92

    150w HPS Micro Perpetual Grow

    Looks good, can u explain the method your going to use that will allow you too pull a quarter ounce a week?
  19. Hanky92

    World of Seeds Strawberry Blue LST - Flower

    What's happening roll it up! Been busy this week so only just found time to update, all is well with the strawberry blue. I did some extra tying down too level out the canopy last week and it's responded very well with buds being produced evenly around the 6 colas. The buds are really sticky...
  20. Hanky92

    World of Seeds Strawberry Blue LST - Flower

    Yeah she's exploding into life, think this is gonna be a good one, looks like it may completely fill my cab! Watch this space :D