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  1. whswakboardz71

    First grow. 2 weeks 5 days veg.

    here is a pic i took tonight of the plant that seems to be drooping the most. does anyone think this is bad or normal? am i just trippin?? lol
  2. whswakboardz71

    First grow. 2 weeks 5 days veg.

    any ideas on nutrients. how long until we get to start feeding them? i have heard 5 nodes. i am going to wait for 5 nodes and maybe a week after cuz our soil has time released nutrients. but any iunput anyone?
  3. whswakboardz71

    First grow. 2 weeks 5 days veg.

    the stem stretched during the period when we were using a 150 watt cfl. it was too far from the plants and they stretched, when we switched over to 400 watt metal halide and they stopped stretching and started filling in more.
  4. whswakboardz71

    First grow. 2 weeks 5 days veg.

    haha, no. just namin them all girls, we'll get what we get ya kno?
  5. whswakboardz71

    why did my seedling fall over

    yeah they recovered nicely, how long until i should start feeding themm nutes?? i have heard 5 nodes so that will be like another week or so, i am using super soil so it does come with time realase nutes so how long should i wait that out before i juice them myself
  6. whswakboardz71

    why did my seedling fall over

    heres an update, 2 weeks and 5 days. some of the new leaves r light green, but is that just cuz they r new leaves. how they look? any input?
  7. whswakboardz71

    why did my seedling fall over

    im using a metal halide that is 400 watts, with a glass shield and in line fan. its at 12 inches away it doesnt put any heat off really at all. is 12 inches alright? the plants are coming up on their third week this sat. the growth has definitly started to accelerate. i can get pics tomrro.
  8. whswakboardz71

    HUMIDITY Question

    i also share the need for your question.
  9. whswakboardz71

    why did my seedling fall over

    they are at trwo weeks now and all are standing on own strength. i am still using the 400 watt mh cuz im too stubborn to switch my stet up all back. but its pretty close and my temps are like 75 now so i think its all good. they are finally growing decent now. but i planted another seed and i...
  10. whswakboardz71

    why did my seedling fall over

    thanks a lot everyone. i moved my light closer, and i cut straws and pput them next tot he stem to support yeah, the ones that strethced are tall haha long ass stems but the other two are shorter and filling in more. how far should my light be away?? i have a 400 watt mh being air cooled with...
  11. whswakboardz71

    why did my seedling fall over

    here. the one on the right can support itself now, but it almsot fell. but if the straw wasnt on the one on the left it would fall right over. 1 week 4 days
  12. whswakboardz71

    why did my seedling fall over

    it is still growing good except it leans on the side of the pot. the leaves are bigger then the rest of the plants but it has no stem strength. its a nice and round bend so i dont think the stem is damaged. what happened and how would i fix something like this