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  1. P

    I ran out of soil during transplant! should i be worried?

    well thanks for ur replies tho, check my status on my grow journal from time to time i rarely have views or comments, theyve grown a tremendous difference then they once were.
  2. P

    I ran out of soil during transplant! should i be worried?

    i had a close nursery here but it closed like 2 years ago lol, now its hard to find one around here plus i dont got alot of cash on me to spend now which sucks :( crazy how my roots grow so quickly tho D:
  3. P

    whats the best way to transplant soil to new soil???

    YOU CAN use all new soil for ur plants and get rid of all the old soil its possible... wat i did on my very first grow was i got the plant, flipped it upside down and got the dirt out of the pot like someone bfore me stated, i then washed the roots outside with luke warm water quickly so all the...
  4. P

    I ran out of soil during transplant! should i be worried?

    yea thanks for the reply i know i need more soil, i was usin fox farms happy frog soil and now i gotta find some cheap shit lol, wat should i use from the cheap shit then :p?
  5. P

    I ran out of soil during transplant! should i be worried?

    lol journal entry is old, theyre about a foot maybe bigger now and its weird i grew them in a 1.5 gallon at first then they out grew it fairly quickly i switched to 3 gallon pots and not even a week later bam! roots started to come out of the drainage holes i was like wtf lol. so i went to home...
  6. P

    Using too much perlite?

    i know this is an old thread but to anyone who stumbles on this, u dont need to keep ur temps at 72-75, from my expirience u can have it from 72 lowest with lights on -to about 88 degrees hottest anymore and u might heat stress a little, again sorry for addin to this old post. lights off temps...
  7. P

    I ran out of soil during transplant! should i be worried?

    i would but its alredy to late to go out and buy some, plus i dont wana get sum crappy soil from a store that will nute burn my plants, if i just poured perlite on the top of the soil would that work tho?
  8. P

    I ran out of soil during transplant! should i be worried?

    i have 2 plants that needed a fast transplant cuz they out grew their 3 gallon pots which sucks cuz i thought that it be its final growing container :( its day 3 of 12/12, i bought 2 7.90 gallon pots, real big pots but thats the best choice i had at home depot, i transplanted today and wasted...
  9. P

    Indoor 150w hps + cfl closet grow

    Update---- so i guess the roots alredy out grew their new pots pretty crazy, it took them about a week to out grow a 3 gallon pot from a 6.5quart pot bfore that. So wen light go on again im gonna do a rapid transplant into a 7.90 gallon pot i got at home depot... only BIG ones they had lol, also...
  10. P

    Indoor 150w hps + cfl closet grow

    Update---- plants are about 2 inches shy from a foot, theyre 2nd day in 12/12 light are gunna come on at 6am to 6 pm, im giving the first feeding of open sesame wen i get up in the morning i needed sum time to dry after i flushed my plants, theyve moved to 3 gallon pots and also i have a clone...
  11. P

    Indoor 150w hps + cfl Closet Grow

    check out my grow journal entry, plants growing nicely!
  12. P

    Indoor 150w hps + cfl closet grow

    so this is my next update, i just hit my plants with the last dose of GB and they grew very nicely so far :mrgreen: heres the pics lemme know what you think.... had a little heat stress on the bigger plant but didnt burn it much at all, just had to raise my fan higher on a box and solved the...
  13. P

    Indoor 150w hps + cfl closet grow

    thanks for your input man, i just wanted to run this grow with a 150 hps and some cfls just to test it out, im alredy gettin supplies on my next grow ill be doing, but im looking into gettin a MH for the next grow :D plus my bill hasnt even gone up much at all, nothn more than 6 to 7 bucks more...
  14. P

    is this good growth with my 150w hps?? and whats wrong with 1 of my plants

    yep yep :P im liking my results, check my grow journal out!
  15. P

    is this good growth with my 150w hps?? and whats wrong with 1 of my plants

    yea i feel ya on the cost, really my bill hasnt gone up at all really, my computer runs 2 times more power than my hps, but i find the hps to grow them faster and thicker if that makes sense? but thanks for your reply and thought, ima for sure build a veg area right under the flower room, im...
  16. P

    is this good growth with my 150w hps?? and whats wrong with 1 of my plants

    yea im vegging with an hps, im not rich to buy a digital ballast or get an MH im broke. but its doin well i have cfl side lighting 6500k if that makes u feel better :P
  17. P

    NEW Growing Method

    sounds like a good idea tbh, ill try it out also when i start a new grow in about 2 months lol :p
  18. P

    growing with no grow method

    thanks for ur input yo. sounds like a good idea, ill try it with my next grow for sure on 1 of my plants to compare results :) but however i am goin to lst but how in a clay pot? ive asked this question on here bfore but it didnt help me out alot..
  19. P

    growing with no grow method

    its ight we all done mistakes before. i know how to lst but i have one in a pot that was trimmed down because most of the surface of the pot was blockin out light to my plant cuz i transplanted it real quick and didnt put enought dirt in the pot if that makes sense? :p but wen i go to bend the...