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  1. M

    overwater= stress... then hydro is???

    If they are still small yeh.If you are gonna keep em like SOG style you could probably fit 9. I see you have a like a bubble strip in their to oxygenate the water. Than just get yourself a sturdy flat lid. Like a big enough peice of cardboard or plywood. Flip those cups you have upside down...
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    During flowering

    It is good for the stems without a doubt. It is also completely essential for air cirulation. The plants need new fresh air circulating or they wont get enough carbon.
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    When's the time to prune?

    I beleive the rule is if you cute off more than half your leaves your baby will die. If its too bushy for you or some leaves are blocking light from getting to other parts you can always bend branches. If you want to cut some off you can when its sturdier and bushier. Oh, n use clean scissors...
  4. M

    overwater= stress... then hydro is???

    If you could get another bin to sit ontop of that and create a mesh like grate out of the bottom then put some medium over it such as rockwool or like you said any of that shit(just make sure you boil it first so its clean), except the dirt dont use that. Than you just need a pump, airstone, and...
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    Need help lighting question

    I'm pretty sure i did really confuse her because of the fucked up light schedule. The thing is do you think it will go back into flowering and the buds continue their growht if i do exactly 12/12?
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    leveling up or whatever that is

    Oh, so other poeple can give you reps which is like points. cool thanks man :leaf:
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    Blooming Onion

    Can someone explain to me the blooming onion effect or technique. Also, when is the best period in the pants life to start tying and how much should you bend it when tying, as much as you want? :leaf:
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    leveling up or whatever that is

    How do you get those titles or the points to change your title? Like from stranger to learning to roll( i dont even know how it happened)
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    What are some organic nutrients for hydro systems. Also, What are some other general cheap and effective nutes.
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    Flowering problems

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    Flowering problems

    what type of cfls are the best for veg and what type for flower? and about how many bulbs for each?
  12. M

    Boiling the roots fact or fiction?

    haha noob i dont care if you have seen his work :joint: i wasnt even talking to you i was talking to buggs anyways, late:peace:
  13. M

    Need help lighting question

    Thats not exacty the problem, i own a timer. The problem is I have an aerogarden, it has a built in timer that controls both the pump and light. It has a figure 8 cord that connects from the light to the base. So, I wanted to have the light controlled by a seperate timer and I didnt realize i...
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    Need help lighting question

    i always turn it on around the sam time but sometimes rarely shut it off an hour hour n a half late. Anybody got advice?:joint:
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    Need help lighting question

    I was in the flowering stage on 12/12 and it changed back to 18/6 for a wk while i was on vacation. when i came back I had noticed that a lot of hairs were already orange. So i just have tried to keep it in flowering, but havent exactly had a timer and have sometimes been off by an hour, hour n...
  16. M

    Budding concerns heelp!

    The thing is i went on vacatoin for 7 days during the flowering stage and didnt have anything but this built in timer thast was set on 18/6. So for the 7 dasy i was gone it reverted to the vegetative light cycle. When i came back hairs were already orange and their was basically no bud developement.
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    Budding concerns heelp!

    Hey what if most of the hairs are orange and the trichromes still look pretty clear?
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    Budding concerns heelp!

    thanks man i appreciate your help
  19. M

    Budding concerns heelp!

    I havent been able to afford any tools at all. Not even good nutrients but everything was fine until about a week or two ago. I noticed i havent seen much growth in the buds. i beleive the babes are stunted. The bud sites on the side branches are jsut a bunch of hairs n trichromes, i dont really...
  20. M

    Budding concerns heelp!

    The main cola on one of my babies looks ready while the rest of the bud sites look completely undeveloped. What should i do? would it be ok to cut the main cola off only?