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  1. M

    Flowering problems

    I started this because i have some questions about problems during flowering. I also just wanted this to be a forum with helpful tips and tricks to getting some fat nugs.:joint: I have my babies under cfls that came with the aerogarden compact saver 6. I coulnd't afford any better light or...
  2. M

    my first grow, aerogarden

    Use the cfls that come with the aero. Go to the store get yourself some more cfls for the veg. You can keep the cfls for the flowering too, but i wouldnt reccommend it. If i was in your situation i would just get a small 150 watt high pressure sodium complete light system for flowering. It is...
  3. M

    Boiling the roots fact or fiction?

    that looks like jorges dog
  4. M

    Boiling the roots fact or fiction?

    no his name is jorge cervantes, and he is the man
  5. M

    why is this so tall?

    CFL's are fine. Light intensity is pretty weak. It never gets hot soo you can keep the bulb very close to the tops. Their are different types of cfls you should use during vegetative and flowering.
  6. M

    Plant smell while little

    i had notice that the ones that smell before flowering turn out to be males.
  7. M

    I have a offer to the right person

    Don't be soo naive. Do not trust anybody.
  8. M

    Bending while flowering

    if i am still in the flowering stage, depending on the strain, I would just top it. Slows growth vertically and helps with some extra bushiness. I wouldnt reccommend it but i have successfully topped during flowering.
  9. M

    My plant isnt growing

    what type of light are you using and whats the distance from the tops?
  10. M

    Favorite Sativa or Sativa Dominant?

    has anybody tried silver pearl? Id like to know a little more about it.
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    I'm having a problem with my AG. It is a 6-pod space saver. Now the problem is that I can't put it on 12/12 without the fuckin internal timer setting it off before the dark periods complete. Three started to flower and one didn't. I was jus wondering if someone could give me advice on as of why...
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    How did you set up the airstone seperatley so it doesnt go off with the light?
  13. M

    its time to flower can i choose what 12 12 will be

    I had four babies. A couple started to preflower, so i just turned it to 12/12. One turned out male, two started to flower, the other one i havent noticed anything at all with. I have had slight problem keeping it on 12/12 exactly all the time because of my setup. Im confused wonder if anyone...
  14. M

    Let's debate! 24/7 or 18/6 for VEG?

    I got a problem. Three babies about 5 days into flowering. Two actually are flowering. The one thats not hasn't shown any signs of sex no signs of preflower stage even dont know what do....advice anyone?????
  15. M

    aerogarden v. 2

    if my light were to go on at say 7 am and i set it to shut off at 7pm would it go on and off at those times everyday or would the internal timer keep running as it was before?
  16. M

    Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems

    what problem does yellowing and undercurl indicate?