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  1. WAsmoker

    Aurora Indica CFL Soil ghetto grow

    sweet grow you got going on, subscribed. I just started my own aurora indica seed
  2. WAsmoker

    First Time Grow~DIY~In My Basment

    My temp is if any thing too low. probably low 70's. I'm not sure how humid it is down there but it seems pretty dry to me. But that is how i got them so maybe in time they will improve. Watering every 2-4 days depending on the soil dryness. Do you think I should cut the yellow leaves off the...
  3. WAsmoker

    First Time Grow~DIY~In My Basment

    The plants seem to be progressing nicely. They have perked up and become more green on the bottom leaves. One thing I have spotted is a couple little mites on the bottom stem and leaves. I hope this isn't damaging the leaves. They might just be left over from the outdoors (that's where my friend...
  4. WAsmoker

    First Time Grow~DIY~In My Basment

    ok thnx those pics didn't upload :( Maybe i'll save up enough money to get a hps light, hopefully before flowering
  5. WAsmoker

    First Time Grow~DIY~In My Basment

    Here are some pics of the plants pistils (am i using that term properly?). 1st is the right side plant's flower(if it is one) 2nd is the little pistils 3rd and 4rth is just same thing as first two except with left side plant' (how do i post more then 4 pics?)
  6. WAsmoker

    First Time Grow~DIY~In My Basment

    Thnx that cleared up alot. I'm gonna have to wait on the lamp though; it would be great to get a combo, i didn't know those existed. But they are just so expensive. It seems my two bigger ones have already developed a pistil on the top and small hairs on the joints(got them this way). So can I...
  7. WAsmoker

    First Time Grow~DIY~In My Basment

    Nobody??? no input?
  8. WAsmoker

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    like $200-350 in the pacific northwest depending on quality
  9. WAsmoker

    First Time Grow~DIY~In My Basment

    How's it going? I just joined here because RIU seems like a very helpful and chill site full of experienced growers. Since I discovered a small room in my basement I got the idea of growing some mj in it. I smoke quite a bit and enjoy gardening so it seemed like a no brainer. So I ordered some...
  10. WAsmoker

    My Hiden Grow

    God how I hate "gangsta's"! With their terrible spelling and ignorance. Chill out! Stop following every fucking trend! You people are turning pot into something it's not.