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  1. bgold420

    Lighting Question

    How far should my 1000watt MH be from the tops of my plants during Veg ... as well as how far should it be when i switch to flower with the 1000watt hps ?
  2. bgold420

    How long does it last?

    im hand watering ... plants are in soil ... but my nute mix is in a 5 gal bucket with an airator ... wondering how long it will last .... so i dont waste any
  3. bgold420

    How long does it last?

    anyone know ?
  4. bgold420

    How long does it last?

    How long do mixed nutes (Chem/Organic) in distilled water last if you are using an air pump to airate it and keeping it covered in a black 5 gallon bucket ?
  5. bgold420

    Did I fuck up

    awesome ! thanks dude !
  6. bgold420

    Did I fuck up

    So I started my clones in soil (1 gallon) pots 3 days ago ... and after my first water , i noticed that there was not enough soil in the pots ... so its day 3 under the lights , I watered them again and then in a stoned moment decided to add some more soil to the pots...i took the clones and the...
  7. bgold420
  8. bgold420

    First grow : Pics inside

    Hey stan , my light is a good 2 feet from the tops , and the space is very well vented with a 8 inch centrifuge fan , the room is always between 75 - 80 degrees .... I bought the clones from a very well respected clone/mother collective called Progressive Options out here in LA .... they are...
  9. bgold420

    First grow : Pics inside

    Correction FFOF
  10. bgold420

    First grow : Pics inside

    Im using FFOC ... Ill keep you guys posted ... This may seem like a stupid question but im a NOOB so ... What is a node ?
  11. bgold420

    First grow : Pics inside

    Hey everyone , i just signed up and this is my first grow .... really excited ... im using a 4x4 sunhut tent 1000 watt MH for veg 1000 watt HPS for flower vented hood occillating fan ultra sonic humidifier planted in foxfarms soil Got 9 Mk ultra clones on a 18/6 veg cycle .... tent...