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  1. S1C

    My 1st DJ Shorts Blueberry

    Well people, I changed the water a little bit ago and the roots have been just growing rapidly and since last week there are a ton more roots flowing into the water. I'll try to get a picture tomorrow after work. All the problems with heat and heat damage have been completely alleviated. She has...
  2. S1C

    First Grow. 600 watt HPS.

    I am a first time grower as well bud but I built my own DWC (deep water culture) setup and except for most of my electronics being plugged into either a surge bar or timers. I'll take a picture and show ya but it is so easy you will feel dumb. Basically, all you need is enough 5 Gal buckets for...
  3. S1C

    First Grow. 600 watt HPS.

    That top bud is nice and if the 20.8 g wet is how much that top bud weighs that awesome.
  4. S1C

    First Grow. 600 watt HPS.

    Those look so beautiful, happy and full of life. I'm hoping mine will grow to be a monster.
  5. S1C

    Siksol's 400w bagseed survivor grow!

    Good job on the rebirth hahaha. They look great...hope they smoke well, if not you could always cook'em hahahahaha
  6. S1C


    I'mma definitely check out that seed boutique site. I want to mix some strains on my next grow-round hahaha.
  7. S1C

    My 1st DJ Shorts Blueberry

    For sure, and the root growth is just amazing. More keep flowing straight into the water everyday. I think the next batch I will definately give one of those a shot. I'mma try to get the seeds and if I can get a clone or two of one that would work as well. This question is for anyone but I was...
  8. S1C

    First Grow. 600 watt HPS.

    I am only growing one right now but from all the information that I have gathered from other peoples grow journals and what people have said so far on my journal I could definitely do a big grow if I had the funds and space to do it in. You guys are awesome and when the Govt finally takes their...
  9. S1C

    Siksol's 400w bagseed survivor grow!

    That is pretty awesome man. Those plants looked a bit naked, they blew up like crazy. My plant has gone through some early problems but all those are fixed and she's blowin' up as well.
  10. S1C


    You can get those square pots at any grow store but the best stores to find them in are Indoor Gardening stores. The ones I've seen can go from pretty small sizes to huge sizes. Look online...Google: square wire should find them.
  11. S1C

    My 1st DJ Shorts Blueberry

    I set my plant inside a bigger pot with some Hydroton and I raised my light up and put a fan that goes all day. In the week since all of that took place the plant is growing like crazy. I just measured it and it's almost to a foot tall. There are some roots that have finally sprouted outside the...
  12. S1C

    Newbie - First journal 2010, white rhino - CFL - "Rubbermaid" microgrow

    The are clay pellets that take the place of soil...It sounds like you have taken care of your problem as well. I moved the light up and set mine in her pot and she is growing like crazy.
  13. S1C

    My 1st DJ Shorts Blueberry

    Nothin' has really change that much. I have the A/C on and a fan blowing air on it from a distance. The leaves are staying green and more of the stems are starting to turn purple will post pics later of Stems. Looks beautiful, I just need to get it back to 100% again. I will also be adding...
  14. S1C

    My 1st DJ Shorts Blueberry

    I really don't know anything about soil growth, so you would have to let me know everything I would need for a soil grow. Even in that case I would need to make a run through with a couple plants before I would get into growing 10 to 15.
  15. S1C

    My 1st DJ Shorts Blueberry

    I was also wanting to get into cross-breeding, because I honestly want to smoke some the most killer weed ever and it would be the best if i could actually grow and breed it as well. Do you guys have any good strains that would be good to cross-breed?
  16. S1C

    Newbie - First journal 2010, white rhino - CFL - "Rubbermaid" microgrow

    Hey man take a look at my post and look at the pictures. I'm having a bit of the same problem with a bit of discoloration and leaves drying out, but since then I have moved my light up and the discoloration started before I actually filled the whole pot up with Hydroton. It could be that it's...
  17. S1C

    My 1st DJ Shorts Blueberry

    I'm sure you know what you are talking about, so I gotta ask. Is there anything I should do so that I have a better chance of yielding HIGH because this first plant is mainly for smoking. My next go-round will be the money maker, deffinatley plan on doing some cross-breed research. I want to...
  18. S1C

    My 1st DJ Shorts Blueberry

    thanks, do you by chance know what may be causing what's in the Pictures "Hurts Leaves 1-2". That is the main thing I'm worried about. I have a feeling that it will level out but I just don't want to waste what time I've put in and I don't want to not birth my first smokable child hahaha.
  19. S1C

    My 1st DJ Shorts Blueberry

    This is my first grow and I am growing a single DJ Shorts Original Blueberry and I am almost a week from when my clone rooted. The only thing I need a little advice on is what will follow... Light Source - 480 W HPS w/ Sun Systems Visor Problem - , Grow Setup - 5 Gal Bucket w/ Copper Water...
  20. S1C


    This is my first grow and I am growing a single DJ's Original Blueberry and I am almost a week from when my clone rooted. The only thing I need a little advice on is what will follow... Light Source - 480 W HPS w/ Sun Systems Visor Problem - Hurt Leaves 1, Hurt Leaves 2 Grow Setup - 5 Gal...