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  1. S

    my first aurora indica grow =)~

    now the plants have grown up about 6-7 inches. which is how much i had topped them just a few days ago. and i just topped off those shoots that i thought were getting too tall. fyi cut off about 1 inch off the tips of branches and they shoot out 2 branches, it deosnt matter if you cut above here...
  2. S

    my first aurora indica grow =)~

    the mid-grade sativa was from a bag i got in sf of mid-grade bud. it wasnt from nirvana. it was very dissapointing that it didnt grow b/c i thought it was a pure sativa and that would have been cool. after i harvest these i'm gonna start a sativa dominant strain (auto-flower) and i'm gonna grow...
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    my first aurora indica grow =)~

    update on the mid grade sativa. no growth at all. the plant stayed at about 2-3 inches tall and never grew. i tottaly stopped taking care of it and now its no longer with us. a lonely dried stem and leaves. had to let you all know what had happened.
  4. S

    my first aurora indica grow =)~

    well most of my plants are now alost as big as me. hehehe. i gotta cut the tops off. i have no choice. they are getting too tall and i dont want to attract thieves! i hope no pests get into the trunck where i'm gonna make the cut....wish me well=)
  5. S

    my first aurora indica grow =)~

    O man! i got some news! i supercropped ALL of my plants. 6 total. and that was yesterday. also on one plant i didnt squeeze the stem good so when i bent it it gave a big cracking sound and teared in the here i am about a day later and the stems are all the way up again its...
  6. S

    my first aurora indica grow =)~

    o man!!!!!! these girls are now some strong dutch women!!! i got to cut em some becuase i cant have them be so tall! time to top the plants i was thinking of supercropping but i dont know. i'm just gonna cut the tops off and hopefully no pests get in there!! wish me luck!
  7. S

    my first aurora indica grow =)~

    my girls are growing super fast. the most vigorous grows at least a few centimeters to a half an inch a day. the runts are only growing about half that speed. i think i'm going ta have to top my plants so they dont get too high. iam hoping to have some good outdoor in the end. for now just water...
  8. S

    my first aurora indica grow =)~

    i want to make cold water hash out of some of my trim and later on maybe buds. i heard you can use fresh or dried leaves and flowers. i'm thinking of using fresh plant material to make the hash. but i'm wondering if anyone has done this using fresh stuff just taken out the ground? using fresh...
  9. S

    my first aurora indica grow =)~

    I have six plants total. one is only about 1 1/2 feet tall its the smallest. then the other five are about 2 - 2 1/2 feet tall. 5 are aurora indica. and 1 is purple erkle that doesnt turn purple. and they are all female! only thing is that one has female pre flowers that are small or the hair on...
  10. S

    my first aurora indica grow =)~

    now the plants are kinda stuck. they are growing more out than up. i think theyre gonna stay short and bushy. only thing is i planted them only about 1 1/2 feet apart in the ground. theyre gonna get into each others space. i'm just happy i have em cuz heck its better to have grown than to have...
  11. S

    my first aurora indica grow =)~

    i will post pics of my plants in about 1 month or before if i see they are getting bigger. cool. talk to you potheads at a later time.
  12. S

    my first aurora indica grow =)~

    so my plants are in the ground, now. i just have ta water em wisely and let mother nature do the rest! i left them in a small pot for about 1 1/2 months. theyre from nirvana and they say its a vigorous pant and the light isnt where the pants should be flowering the light is where the plants...
  13. S

    my first aurora indica grow =)~

    update on my i went outside and it looked like the damn raccoons got into my potted bud plants. you know i was pissed as fuck. so i stayed calm and assessed the damage. my fattest aurora indica that looked more afganica b/c of the broad leaves was semi smashed. the other three...
  14. S

    Amanita Muscaria

    i tried amanita muscaria b4. i picked em near my house. i put them in a container then in the oven at a certain temp then it released this ooze and i ate the caps. it got me off but i wanted the trip to end more than have it go on. i rather get some psylicibe cubensis. palenque strain =)~
  15. S

    my first aurora indica grow =)~

    the first one is aurora indica the smallest and runt of the litter. next is what looks to be mid grade sprout. the seed looked great i thought it was purple erkle =). the three that are after are aurora indica and as you can see the leaves are getting so long their bending creating an arch it...
  16. S

    my first aurora indica grow =)~

    i'm in California and the mature plant lmit is i figure i plant 1-2 shortryders auto-flower from nirvana and have two crops this year..welll 3...i'm getting kinda ambitious becuase i just found out about these Auto-flower seeds from nirvana and its said you can harvest multiple crops in...
  17. S

    my first aurora indica grow =)~

    my nirvana aurora indica plants are about 2 weeks old now and they have a stem that is like a toothpick but the first two serrated leaves they've grown are pretty big in comparison to the stem. o duh i almost forgot i found seeds from last years grow. i found these seeds in a bag of purple...
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    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    i'm wondering if you plant an AF in the winter would the plant be in vegetative growth for the first few weeks and then flower when its 1-3 feet high?
  19. S

    my first aurora indica grow =)~

    well I got on to nirvana and alice said she would send a new seed to me.."anyways" haha cool I hope its a strong one..=)
  20. S

    my first aurora indica grow =)~

    o man...guess what everyone? the seed that wasnt coming up wasnt coming up for a reason. i got anxious after waiting 2 more days for the sprout to come out and it never did so i brushed some dirt aside and uncovered the seed just so the seed would stick out. i figure i helping out the seed by...