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  1. gman101

    First outdoor medical grow

    Very nice indeed... I like the purple tint, personally I've never grown plants with color like that. Damn, this is a great time of year!
  2. gman101

    strange fact on marj

    Ummm, maybe cause I'm new here... But I don't get it.
  3. gman101

    Where can i find a gravitron?

    Man, never heard of such a thing... Thanks for the info!
  4. gman101

    cutting plywood

    Plan your project carefully and you can have the bulk of the work done by the guys at Lowes, then spend a cpl of bucks on some basic tools and have at it. Grow, grow, grow!
  5. gman101

    Mid-Michigan frost dates

    Wow, frost dates... Where I live, we will have frost a few times over the winter if it is a cold one.... Again, Wow.
  6. gman101

    Neeed help is it to late to transplant my babies?

    Bro, I don't fully understand your question about removing the bottom or the root ball... Here's one opinion... When you transplant, you want to accomplish several things and the foremost is to reduce stress to the plant. To effectively transplant you must completely remove the root system...
  7. gman101

    Something Chewing on Stems

    Sounds to me like a rodent. Could be a gopher, rat, or?? You say rats are in the area, and who knows where they are in the dark hours. Do what you can to 'patch' the stalk. Even if it is just wrapping it with tape, but it is amazing just what these plants can endure. I've had broken branches...
  8. gman101

    outdoor plant camouflage

    I'm curious to know how some of these 'late season' grown turn out. I live in SoCal, and my planst have been flowering for over a month now, and we are still a month away from the proverbial '12-12' solar cycle. Good luck and hope your buds are fat!
  9. gman101

    3-Day old seedling - tap root coming out bottom of pot?

    Well stated Kush Guy, and it is good advice on the whole location in the cups. As for the relative plant size of course the more rooting medium the bigger the plant. I do however think that the 1 gal per foot of height rule of thumb is just that, a rule of thumb and a tad conservative. For...
  10. gman101

    Nugs are Coming!

    Very nice indeed... I love the chair right there with your pride and joy. Funny, but I too like to spend time with my girls now that we are at this time of year.
  11. gman101

    Male or female?

    Them little boy flowers are ready to open at any moment!! As soon as they do, they will send their stuff everywhere... Hurry!
  12. gman101

    Grass growing with marijuana

    Budsmoker said it all... A good weeding now and then will do the trick. It only needs to be a foot or two from the trunk. A good rule of thumb is to clear everything under the drip line. For those who may not recognize the term, the 'drip line' is where water would drip down from the branches...
  13. gman101

    Brand new here, but not so new to the art of growing...

    Greetings RIU! Being a new member, time to say hello to the community and briefly introduce myself. I am new to the community, but have been dabbling in the art of growing for some time now. Actually, truth be known my first grow was in the late 70's and ended in disaster... After looking...
  14. gman101

    Hello fellow gardeners, New member here.

    A quick hello from another new member here... Happy Growing!
  15. gman101

    Hello! I have a strange question...

    Wow, for some reason this is a cool thread... Seeds from the 70's! Just reading this made me laugh a bit, with the comments 'bout gettin 'em from your dad, or talking with dad bout growing in the 70's. Took me way back, as while way new here at RIU, my first time growing was in the late 70's...
  16. gman101

    2 plants next to eachother

    The potential competition for space, light, nutrients, rooting medium, etc. all have a detrimental impact on the plants. This will not only effect size and potential yield, but overall health of the plants as well. If you are limited on space you may be better off in the long run to thin out the...
  17. gman101

    Did I ruin my seeds?

    Carl said it well, dormancy... I also have to wonder if they had enough time to dry, you stated a few days and then in a sealed container... They may also need to shed a little more moisture which they would do in the fridge if not in a sealed container.
  18. gman101

    HELP! getting caught growing outside

    The chances of it being noticed at that size, or of law enforcement involvement, are minuscule at best... I wouldn't want to guess the odds but you probably have a better chance of winning the lottery... My experience is that they do not even become noticeable until, actually, this time of year...
  19. gman101

    First Guerilla Grow *PICS*

    Certainly no expert here, but the pics are screaming to me that your babies need to be in separate containers pretty quickly. I too have started multiple plants in a large surface area pot, but got them moved soon before the roots begin to intertwine. If they get tangled, the risk of damage or...
  20. gman101

    pissing 4 1st time

    Well Puff, I may be out there with you on the whole 'gettin a job' thing... Damn, glad I'm not 49 though! Well, not for a couple of months at least... Some years back I found myself going from the freedom of self employment to a position with a company who required me to piss for 'em. I went to...