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  1. Guerilla Grower

    Spider just messed me up

    if that was a brown recluse you in some serious trouble man not to scare the crap out of you or anything but just try to stay calm and chill unless you feel like your goin to die
  2. Guerilla Grower

    god damn you home depot. help!

    those get way to hot man burn dem plants to a crisp and not enough light so those 42w cfls would have been a whole lot better sorry man better luck next time :)
  3. Guerilla Grower

    Can I add soil to "stretching" seedlings?

    stem rot usually doesn't usually happen unless the stem it very wet so dont worry about that i bury the stems up close with allmost all my grows
  4. Guerilla Grower

    First indoor micro grow (CFL)

    not to close then lol ya back off on the nutes for a tiny while and a couple of fans wouldnt hurt to keep the heat down
  5. Guerilla Grower

    Autofloweing questions(S)

    auto flowering hmm guess i missed that part you should be fine with 20/4 if its def an auto
  6. Guerilla Grower

    just ate a firecracker

    awesome man i gotta try some of those once i get my harvest in. Ive always liked the thought of being able to be high all day from cooking the good stuff instead of just being totally blazed for a couple of hours
  7. Guerilla Grower

    First grow, need some quick help.

    sounds like stretching move the light you have closer and get more sunshine on those bad boys!
  8. Guerilla Grower

    First indoor micro grow (CFL)

    looks pretty good man make sure you keep those cfls close, i cant stress enough how important that is to people who grow for first time but yours look great at this point no discoloration and pretty green the young ones look a little stretched try and keep um closer good luck ;)
  9. Guerilla Grower

    Can I add soil to "stretching" seedlings?

    Glad to help good luck on your grow :)
  10. Guerilla Grower

    Best Fluorescent system?

    you shouldnt use tubes for growing unless limited on what you can use or if you are growing mother & clones try higher intensity cfls there great on a budget!
  11. Guerilla Grower

    CFL's and y spliiters?

    depending on how you use them the y splitters could take up too much space try to arrange the lights in a grid
  12. Guerilla Grower

    Can I add soil to "stretching" seedlings?

    those roots will grow right out of the side if they are covered get more light on it and cover the stretched stem until close to the foliage this is done with mother plants to keep the height down
  13. Guerilla Grower


    you can start a great plant if you keep it very close without burning it but once it starts to get bigger you will need to throw more in there i grew a 1/2 foot plant that wasnt stretched at all with a 26w cfl ya just got to keep close
  14. Guerilla Grower

    just ate a firecracker

    should have cooked it longer how ya feelin right about now?
  15. Guerilla Grower

    a rough season

    yea the rain has been killer, we need sun!!! i was lucky and got mine out early they are already 2ft tall tied down transplant em now and allow the rain to help the roots expand outward and develop the root system it needs do it man
  16. Guerilla Grower

    Autofloweing questions(S)

    you should use mostly the potting soil in your mix but you could throw in some peat moss to make the soil fluffier and allow the roots to grow outward faster. the vermiculite will help with drainage so add some of that too. ohh ya you cant finish a grow on a 20/4 light cycle you need 12/12 to...
  17. Guerilla Grower

    Question on Harvest Timing???

    i prefer to let them get more amber and let them pack on some more weight until they are fully ready to harvest
  18. Guerilla Grower

    How do you make outdoor plants flower

    take big trash buckets and place them over the plants so they are in a 12/12 light cycle
  19. Guerilla Grower

    Small project

    try and set up a small cfl vey close to the plant if the little thing isn getting the light it needs the stem stretches like crazy when there little oh and dont worry about the dirt it wont harm the plant
  20. Guerilla Grower

    Upcoming Grow Season. I want big plants!!! Ideas???

    make sure there is plenty of room for roots to grow if they only go down 2 ft and hit rocks or other roots the plant will stop growing because roots cant absorb enough water so maybe till dirt