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  1. Guerilla Grower

    Interesting Observation

    i read some thing on this site that said the trichomes act sort of as tiny magnifying beads that amplify the intensity of the light. thats probably why they where found in greater quantities away from the light and are produced when there is less light available later in the year why it...
  2. Guerilla Grower

    fan noise

    the fan could just be off center if a top is spinning fast it is centered but if it slows it wobbles...just a suggestion
  3. Guerilla Grower

    is this weed

    isnt that know the shit that grows on old brick buildings?
  4. Guerilla Grower

    Growing upsidedown?

    how the hell would the water get to the roots it would all go to the area closest to the stem away from them im just asking not saying it cant be done
  5. Guerilla Grower

    The Great Outdoors Grow of 2OO8 - Gilfman's First Time

    you need to fix that bug problem now it looks like the same problem mine had before they got wrecked bugs eat the shit out of the leaves and it just slowly dies off i think a couple of mine will survive, but seriously you need to kill of those bugs
  6. Guerilla Grower

    What do you like to do high?

    dude the best thing to do when high is to chill with friends and listen to some sick music
  7. Guerilla Grower

    A few pics of my 10,000K run with bubba

    thats one crazy setup youve got there but hows the electric bill? lol
  8. Guerilla Grower

    Forced Germ?

    yes i have heard of this its because the outer shell of the seed is to thick for the sprout to crack open, this can also be caused by not giving the seeds enough water so the sprouts cant expand and push the 2 halves of the seed apart one method ive heard of to fix non sprouting seeds is...
  9. Guerilla Grower

    immortal technique tour starting yeah baby

    dance with the devil is one of my favorite songs by immortal technique there lines are so thought out and sick
  10. Guerilla Grower


    you kind of need pictures to determine whether it is ready. height might not be as important if its a really bushy plant with a big canopy don't pick a branch with just one big leave, pick one with many nodes and branches that go in different directions....ya know not leaning towards one side
  11. Guerilla Grower

    a new stoner hobbie??

    thats got to be some of the craziest funniest shit ive seen in a long time funny but completely ridiculous to dedicate your life to blowing up and twisting balloons into shapes
  12. Guerilla Grower

    My First Outdoor Plot :P Guerilla Grower

    you have the same setup as mine off in a secluded field that no one will even bother to go through started dem plants a little late i see, not going to be monsters but youll still get a good crop keep them pictures posted im lookin forward to seeing what similar setups to mine yeild
  13. Guerilla Grower

    Check out these crystals!

    purple.....all i see is a big pile of green goodies
  14. Guerilla Grower

    The "two-words" game!

    there here
  15. Guerilla Grower

    Can i put my plants into a closet that has no windows?

    it might get hot depending on the size of closet although CFL bulbs dont get very heated set up a small fan and its good to go
  16. Guerilla Grower


    one it gets a couple bunches of well developed leaves you should transplant it and it will do fine also depends on how much room you have to grow inside if you still have room to spare let it grow yes,listen to the kushmaster he knows whats up you also might find that it will take awhile for...
  17. Guerilla Grower

    Yet Another Drug Test Thread

    dude if you worked at a government job that would be sweet, then you might have some push in legalization
  18. Guerilla Grower

    Modular Grow-Tub Experiment

    well stare how did you germinate the seeds? i found the best way is with a damp paper towel i get about 90% to germ
  19. Guerilla Grower

    The never-ending story

    posing for the camera
  20. Guerilla Grower


    no you don't carry the disease throwout your life but you will always test positive for it even though you don't have it. min got so bad if i went much longer before treatment i could have died they also said my IQ could have dropped 24 points because it was at such a bad stage