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  1. green gurilla

    bugs help

    ive tiny white bugs at the bottom of my pots they live under it where it moist there really small, white an jump about when the light is in them, what are they? how did they get there:cuss: and do i need to kill them if so how??
  2. green gurilla

    yeast co2 generators

    did you think you were gettin positive results
  3. green gurilla

    yeast co2 generators

    mentioned to my granda bout the co2 generator an the yeast hes suggested we make potchin! lol fermined potatos i think, irish moonshine maybe the reaction takes a while to get going? i only visit my room once a day just after the lights come on would really like some way to boost co2 levels as...
  4. green gurilla

    yeast co2 generators

    has anyone tried yeast co2 generators and to what success have you had?
  5. green gurilla

    yeast co2 generators

    has anyone tried yeast co2 generators and to what success have you had?
  6. green gurilla

    Uploading Pics?

    were do you find manage attachment?
  7. green gurilla

    Uploading Pics?

    can soming give me the low down on how to upload pics! what ive tried 1 go to the paper clip 2 add files 3 basic uploader 4 browse 5 upload after i click up load i get a spining circle beside the blue ? an nothing happens after that ive even left it for 10 15mins still nothing help please
  8. green gurilla

    First Grow 300 Watt LED Fire OG Kush

    first time ive seen an led grow, not bad not bad at all, how much longer have you to go? good luck with it
  9. green gurilla


    i have a 300watt clf 2700k on 1 plant its in a fridge thats why space is a problem, ive 2 8w t5 as well do you thnk that would do then?
  10. green gurilla


    i can get them in my local pet shop. this help any? does 2700k give out uvb light?
  11. green gurilla


    well was wondering how close you can put uvb bulbs to the plants? i started a thread before on cfl vs hps and by the end the chat changed to uvb light, i forgot to ask how close i can put the light. See the problem is im growin in a fridge an space is limited and the bulb is about £20+ dont want...
  12. green gurilla

    1st Grow - CFL Lighting

    why do you want males?
  13. green gurilla

    Meat Compost

    nice what yeild you getting of 1 of those babys?
  14. green gurilla

    Meat Compost

    why no green plant material? what way do you break it down do you have it in and open pile or a sealed container?
  15. green gurilla

    Does Rain Lower the Potency of Marijuana?

    wish i could say the same for n.ireland it pisses alot:cuss: perspecs over them sorts that problem thou:hump:
  16. green gurilla

    Meat Compost

    was just wondering does any of use compost meat and dairy products? were does it be stored? does it have to be airtite? what does the finished product look like? an does carbon materials have to be added to make it look more like soil? ive seen animals rot an it seem to make a liquid mess!
  17. green gurilla

    Cannabis Uses

    sweet thanks this will really help
  18. green gurilla

    Cannabis Uses

    well hows it going im doing a project on "case for legalising cannabis" can used tell me all uses yous no of for cannabis? medical, clothing an so on, can uses be specific on medical uses what do you use it for any other info that i could add welcome thanks :blsmoke:
  19. green gurilla

    Autoflowering Sweet Fast Buds

    what spectrum you using?
  20. green gurilla

    Autoflowering Sweet Fast Buds

    dont actually no the final yeild was smokin at it before it was competly dry but id say at a guess bout half O i had 3 plants fast bud, easy ryder an speed devil. they were under eight bulbs ranging from 1 30w 6400k an the rest varied 11w an 23w 2700k. ive now bought a 300w bulb 2700k do the...