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  1. green gurilla

    Autoflowering Sweet Fast Buds

    what colour spectrum have you them under? ive just finished a fast bud grow was really good hope al goes well for you
  2. green gurilla

    300w First Cfl Grow

    well im using a 300w 2700k bulb an 2 t5 tubes on the side. there the small 1s you use in the bathroom, can i get away with vegin with that:confused: r should i throw in a 30w 6400k as well?
  3. green gurilla

    Tips on Vermicompost

    just a thought i had bananas are ment to be full potassium if i feed the worms lots of bananas with other stuff to of course would this transfar into my vermicompost NPK ratio?
  4. green gurilla

    Tips on Vermicompost

    cant wait till get started. have you any tips on what i can use organic for the flowering stage? i have made a N rich tea for veg (chicken/sheep shit)
  5. green gurilla

    Organic Bud Candy? Homemade Recipes?

    what about glucose its pretty basic sugar can you give the plant that?
  6. green gurilla

    Tips on Vermicompost

    ryt good to no 1 final question i think I was on youtube watched a redworm compost video was really helpful thanks, but egg shell make the soil more alkline, citrus fruit make it more acidic, the redworm video said to put starchy foods in in moderation, the likes of bread and pasta. How does...
  7. green gurilla

    Tips on Vermicompost

    were do you keep yours? could i use organic matter from my compost heap? how many worms should i get then for 35-45litre tubs? weight?
  8. green gurilla

    Tips on Vermicompost

    my bad ment to spell tubs how many do you use could you discribe how yours works. also r u growing blue widow? i got 1 as a free seed from attitude how far on you with it?
  9. green gurilla

    Tips on Vermicompost

    was planing on doing a dIY worm box was looking in a pound shop can get 35l tubes, but there clear plastic would they do? how many tubes do you use? and do they breed? how much vermi would you use when planting?
  10. green gurilla

    Tips on Vermicompost

    what do we use as bedding material? what does the actual feeding material consist of? do u need to use peat moss? any storage tips??
  11. green gurilla

    Tips on Vermicompost

    have been reading up on tea manures an vermicompost trying to grow organic any tips on vermicomposting I have made teas got bat guano. but want to try vermi i'm aware it will be about 3months before i have results.
  12. green gurilla

    crop rotation???

    not so bad thought i was going to have to make a second plot. i will be adding fresh manure an compost also shall be use bat gauno under the plant when i transplant out.
  13. green gurilla

    crop rotation???

    just a few questions on crop rotation does this apply to me growing out side in the same plot? my sitution ive a plot i grow, in the bog its 4'x6' I dug a hole 1' down an lined it with plastic with drainage. can i grow in it ever year? i will be adding manure an compost but is it like vegtable...
  14. green gurilla

    hps an foiler

    so i should be ok if i raise the light for a bit
  15. green gurilla

    1 strange plant

    im using the soil from tomato grow bags with some perlite, if it was a nute problem would it not affect all. im semi organic i use my own tea manure in the veg stage they were only fed twice an they were veged for bout 6wks, in flower now im using chemical fert, was to get bat rock guano but it...
  16. green gurilla

    hps an foiler

    well can you foiler feed with hps lighting afraid of burning the plants! whats ur take on this
  17. green gurilla

    1 strange plant

    well just wondering whats wrong with this plant an can i fix it? ive 5 sweet tooth growing there in soil they are all getting the same water an nute, its only affecting 1 side of 1 plant? could it be just a bad seed
  18. green gurilla

    OOPs! I left my lights on 22 hours 1 week into flowering

    well i read 1 time before think it was bout improving yeild, but basicly it the dark period thats important as long as its not interupted so chemicals get to a certain point you should be ok:hump: i'd go straight back to 12/12. if im wrong correct me 1 last thing what if there 3 females...
  19. green gurilla

    Ny Outdoor, Super Lenon Haze,The Church, Pure Piwer Plant, & Others

    cant answer any of our questions but will be following your journal im planing to grow the church as well and Passion#1 dont no how it will do in N.Ireland but it would be good to compare, I will hopfully be growing in a poly tunnel which hopfully help:leaf: good luck man hope all goes well
  20. green gurilla

    topping. when is best???

    was wondering when is the best time to top? ive a friend who say to let them get to the 5th node then top at the 3rd im not to keen to try this till i have more info as i think its a waste of energy for the plant? any an all help welcome