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  1. green gurilla

    more or less

    was wondering with CFLs is it better to have loads of 20w bulbs at different heights and stuff say 8bulbs. Or one 125w bulb at the top and maybe 2 20w at the side? the 125w one would be a lot less work involved but if the extra bulbs made a difference then that could be done?
  2. green gurilla

    fridge grow possible or not?

    is it possible to grow in a fridge? im looking to do a stealth grow, ill use cfls 6400k for veg 2700k for flower. fridge size height 750mm width 410mm depth 470mm sorry for those who work in imperial dont no what the measurements is 300mm=12'' planing 1 dutch passion mazar the discription says...
  3. green gurilla

    Uk outdoors 2011

    nice one hope all goes well:weed: are they all photoperiods? will they finish outside for you in the uk? keep use posted on how things are going. have you tryd the passion#1 before?
  4. green gurilla

    growing outdoor in britain

    have you any recommendations for outdoor autos for the uk? i quiet like onyx but didnt get it out early enuf will try it this year again.
  5. green gurilla

    Indoor grow CFL 3 autos Help

    thanks planing to put in a uvb retile bulb to add potceny so i heard. its a cfl bulb 2 dont no the lumes but its a few more:roll:
  6. green gurilla

    growing outdoor in britain

    to get the Oz out of autos you would need to plant out early to get the best of the long sunny days. I cracked a second phase of plants last year on the 9th of june an harvested about 10g dry was hardly worth it!
  7. green gurilla

    Electric info

    this might sound stupid but im trying to figure out how much electric im going to use does a 20w bulb use 20ws per hour its on??
  8. green gurilla

    Indoor grow CFL 3 autos Help

    does the watts matter at all it will be 143w to 3 plants?
  9. green gurilla

    growing outdoor in britain

    when did you harvest? i found mine didnt start to flower until will in to september which was to late frost made sure of that! had better luck with the autos theres sum really nice strains out there now, try flash seeds they do sum really big super autos. plant out the start of the second...
  10. green gurilla

    Indoor grow CFL 3 autos Help

    the temp with cfls would be easily enough managed with a good ocalatin fan would it not?
  11. green gurilla

    UK & Ireland outdoors

    just passing on info with my success last year i grew about 25 autos last year outside best yields of roughly an O per plant only three tho they were 1st out. my tip would be to crack your seeds 2nd last week of April an plant out end of the 1st week of May. also because of the weather we get...
  12. green gurilla

    Indoor grow CFL 3 autos Help

    ryt ive got 4-20w cfl 2700k 1200lums 3-11w cfl 2700k 600lums 1-30w cfl 6200k for three autos is this to much? how many lumus does a plant and how do you calculate this? all help welcome bongsmilie
  13. green gurilla

    Indoor grow CFL 3 autos Help

    need help plz:-( from an earlier thread i posted i need to be using 2700k cfls to flower with correct? maybe even 1 4000k as well for a broader specturm. but how do i no how many bulbs to use? ''it will be the cfls from asda english branch of wallmart'' not sure of the lumus yet? thanks
  14. green gurilla

    manure tea

    ive just started to make a batch of tea from chicken and sheep manure was reading some where this is only really good in the veg stage as its to high in nitrogen for flowering is there any truth to this? also if i use organic nutes does the plant still have to be flushed? :eyesmoke:
  15. green gurilla

    CFL vs HPS

    Are halogen bulbs any good? would the uv bulbs need to b on the same lenght of time as the cfls or would it do for a few hours a day?
  16. green gurilla

    CFL vs HPS

    space is the issue have to use CFLs. so what spectrums do i need for flowering? 2700k, 3000k, 3400k, 5000k, 5500k, 6000k, 6200k, 7200k
  17. green gurilla

    CFL vs HPS

    UV supplementation what do use mean by this? and with CfL's generating less heat could tin foil be used to reflexion?
  18. green gurilla

    CFL vs HPS

    Well was wondering has anyone out the try both CFL and Hps and was there much of a difference in the yield. ive currently 3 autos under a 125watt CFL blue spec in veg im going to use a 125watt red spec for flowering :bigjoint:
  19. green gurilla


    ya was refering to mail order marijuana. i no canda has a great system of moms but its getting 1 to post to the Uk?
  20. green gurilla


    can anyone out there point me in the ryt direction to ligit mom companies that post to the uk? wats the rules on this site for discussing moms?