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  1. W

    Did i fry my seedling?

    hey i started in that exact same pellet ur using. use no nutes and only water it 1 time a day with about a spoon of water. also put a heating pad on low under ur dome. i transplanted mine into the solo cup with the pellet at the end of day 3. roots went coming out of the thing but it was ready...
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    what do ya'll think of lucille?

    looks good so far
  3. W

    9 days in veg cfl grow.

    transplanting tonight=)
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    Help!!! My seedlings are 15 days old and look like this.

    yellow leaves mean over feeding or newt burn. i also think you dont have enough light. you want 125 wats of cfl for 1 plant i would say.
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    9 days in veg cfl grow.

    thank you for ur imput
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    9 days in veg cfl grow.

    they look healthy and fine? and i was thinking abut transplanting soon. i think its ready just looking for someone elses opinion
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    what would u do

    yes first one i think im gana use it as a learning one
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    first time grower

    omg thats really sad
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    what would u do

    so should i go fro height?
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    what would u do

    ok guys i am here to ask what u would do. i have a 4x3 closet that i am going to grow 1 plant in. and i got plenty of lighting. using cfls tho. would you lst, scrog, let grow straight up, top it or what? what will give me the most yield right now my baby is doing great im going organic i was...
  11. W

    what should i do?

    ok guys i am here to ask what u would do. i have a 4x3 closet that i am going to grow 1 plant in. and i got plenty of lighting. using cfls tho. would you lst, scrog, let grow straight up, top it or what? what will give me the most yeild
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    Does this look normal @ 2 weeks flower?

    how long did u veg it for?
  13. W

    Does this look normal @ 2 weeks flower?

    are u using natural lighting?
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    first time grower

    well were gana need pictures and info. we only know what u tell us.. how old is your crop?
  15. W

    Should I be concerned about my plants?

    no go buy a 5 gal bucket with a lid. drill a hole in the lid for a tube. go get a air pump and airstone and run the tube through the lid add the air stone on and put in water. also make sure this bucket does not sit in light and is preferably black. the air pumping into the water will natural...
  16. W

    should i even wastd my time with this (possible) male?

    soposedly some times ive saw ppl put clones in to flower and they do it. some curl up and dye. all depends on the strain. i would try it but its just my curious nature. i mean i think its a male but you oculd also, 1% chance, have a type of ogre.
  17. W

    My seeds dont wont sprout from rockwool cubes! [help!]

    i am newer and will just be telling you my opinion not saying i'm right. 1. those plants are not receiving light they need. look at the stretching and crappy leave quality. using cfls means u can put the light on the plant pretty much, so put the lights closer to the plant. 2.the fan has...
  18. W

    First Grow, 1 week in, Drying and curling leaves, pics and explanation

    ok just because u want opinions. i can not view the picture cause it just wont let me but from what i have learned so far that if the plant is growing the roots its not going to expand up top very much. now this is a good thing that the roots are going. the root determines your harvest i my...
  19. W

    should i even wastd my time with this (possible) male?

    ive heard about stressing a plant to show signs of sex. let it become root bound and when it gets to stressed it should show signs of sex fro what i have read from other threads.
  20. W

    never flushed rock wool

    well you have to get ur ph stable then. ph up or ph down work beautifly