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  1. P

    NeW YoRk Outdoor Bagseed Grow

    Ok so heres tha deal..Im tryin to start a decent sized grow op. Im growin these in a large wooded area near me and am hopin for at least 18 plants to be planted an growing before tha end of April. So far i got 6 germinated seeds planted in regular garden soil in medium sized pots in these woods...
  2. P

    First Grow, Bagseeds, Come take a look!!!

    this is tha best bagseed grow ive seen so far. cheq out mine, its gunna be up by tha end of this week
  3. P

    Germinating Problem

    I use tha paper towel method. I put them in papers towels,wet tha towels, an stuck it in a drawer of a dresser. Ive done this method many times and every other time i had almost all of em germinate fine. I could understand 5,10 maybe 15 not germinatin but 25??????
  4. P

    Germinating Problem

    I got 30 bagseeds a week ago from a friend. I started germinatin them thursday and as of today only 5 germinated succesfully, what tha fuk???? Are these 25 otha seeds dead???? Or shud i jus give em more time??