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  1. J

    Can I Take Clones Yet?

    The SLH is from feminized seed. She started sprouting pistils under 18/6 cfl lighting at 40 days. I did take one clone each from the unknown bagseed females I have blooming. They seem to be doing well also.
  2. J

    Can I Take Clones Yet?

    Almost 4 days now, the 3 are doing well. No roots peaking yet, but no wilting either. Looks like I went 3 for 3...and there are a couple more ready from the looks of mom. Thanks for all the advice, friends!
  3. J

    Hermie or Calyx ..I Can't Identify!

    With tomato plants, potassium deficiency can result from a plant being too cold, and therefore unable to metabolize the potassium in the grow medium. The solution for them is two part, warm the roots and boost the nutrient. I have no clue if the same applies to MJ, :lol:
  4. J

    Can I Take Clones Yet?

    Ahh, deficiency. I am sorry I did not understand. Damn meds must need readjusting. :lol: Yes, there is an issue with the SLH "mother". It never kept up with my other plants. It seems that as a seedling the stem was damaged, or a genetic fault showed itself. The end result was a damaged stem that...
  5. J

    Can I Take Clones Yet?

    Can you elaborate? I'm unsure of what you refer to as, "def"?
  6. J

    Can I Take Clones Yet?

    I took 3 clones from her last night. So far no sign of wilting, in fact they all adjusted to the change in the position of light perfectly. Fingers crossed for a flowering room full of SLH!
  7. J

    Can I Take Clones Yet?

    I have a feminized Greenhouse Super Lemon Haze that is about 45 days from seed. Is it ready? Can I take several at once or is it better to take one branch at a time as they mature/grow? I will be using rapid rooter plugs, any special considerations with those? Here are pics of the whole plant...
  8. J

    Narrow Stem Problem

    I guess I will see how it goes, it's actually only 40days from when I put the seed in to germinate. Maybe I am getting worked up for nothing because SLH was one of my wants for medicine. :lol: All that may be a moot point though, since today she started doing this:
  9. J

    Narrow Stem Problem

    It was grown from a Dr Greenthumb SLH bean. By salvage I mean can I get clones from it. Flowering is gonna be a no, from what I see.
  10. J

    Narrow Stem Problem

    ***Pics in 5th post below.*** I have a plant that has a main stem about an inch up that narrows to about 2/3rds of it's diameter, and then continues normally. As a plant, it is growing far slower than the rest. The plant is about a month and a half old, about 12" tall with 4-5 nodes. I'd like to...
  11. J

    Testing for employment

    I seem to recall someone recommending getting a scrip for Marinol. Fill it once (expensive as heck) and taa-daa! You are now allowed to have thc in your pee for the purposes of employment. if that works or not, I have no idea. Good luck!
  12. J

    DEA raids caregivers of America, Walled Lake...

    I think it is a shame that entrepreneurs pursuing an emerging market have to be subject to arrest. Their lives are going to be disrupted, their families turned upside down, all in the name of a silly war of authoritarianism on a plant. With that said, there is no mention of dispensaries in the...
  13. J

    Inaugural bagseed run

    I can really kick myself for not getting a better light first. For beginners, the single most important thing is your light, buy the biggest one you can afford/fit in your grow. Ha! Secondary to that, I should not have been stubborn about the fox farms. It created a ton of stinky sediment in my...
  14. J

    Inaugural bagseed run

    The only thing changing is the rate they are growing. I ordered a 600W hps, it should arrive Tuesday. I will be moving the 4 largest ones into bigger buckets under the big light. Hopefully a week of that and I'll be able to weed out males. Fingers crossed. The deformed one is really going...
  15. J

    seedling deformation

    It continues to grow atypically, but grow it does.
  16. J

    what is actually occurring?

    I wonder what affect using the green produce bags that allow for outgassing would have? Perhaps using them would make it possible to not "burp" the jar? Eliminate the jar step all together?
  17. J

    Inaugural bagseed run

    Here's the setup...with my homemade 1200W cfl equivalent diy light fixture. LOL
  18. J

    Inaugural bagseed run

    Day 28. I have 6 in 3" baskets. They are in 4"PVC with 180 spray heads on either side of the basket. Right now I am running a weak (half the manufacturer recommends) mix of Fox Farms Big Bloom and Grow Big. The timer I have for my pump only goes down to 15min cycles, and for a time I was running...
  19. J

    twinn bridges in midland

    It was in the Midland Daily news two Fridays ago.