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  1. punkrockdude

    reflector question

    will be running just a 400 w hps , first grow 3 plants
  2. punkrockdude

    reflector question

    i have a grow box 5'x3'x6' and its covered in mylar top to bottom, do i technically need a reflector or will the mylar work well enuff
  3. punkrockdude

    2 foot 4 bulb T5 fixture

    anyone know anyplace that sells these and ships to canada, i like the ones at HTG but i cant seem to find out if they ship to canada. any advice appreciated
  4. punkrockdude

    does HTG ship to canada?

    nobody knows
  5. punkrockdude

    does HTG ship to canada?

  6. punkrockdude

    OK This has me really perplexed..

    id bet its too much nutes, ur going to ur tray with 141 and returning with 240, that means ur plant is using more water than nutes, unless of course u havnt rinsed ur grow media in that case thats whats changing ur ppm
  7. punkrockdude

    does HTG ship to canada?

    im looking at their 4 bulb t5ho 2' growbright setup but cant find if they ship to canada, anyone know if they do or know other places that ship to canada with same or better prices?
  8. punkrockdude

    Soiless nute question

    hey lumberjack was re reading your post before and was wondering exactly what u meant? do u mean water with nutrient solution and than only water with R.O after that, if thats the case when do i add a nutrient solution again? or do u do it day on day off kinda routine,ie/ day1 nute, day2 R.O...
  9. punkrockdude

    Soiless nute question

    Im using Advanced nutients, and im using a hanna ph pen and a HM ppm pen
  10. punkrockdude

    Soiless nute question

    ok finally got around to taking some pics first four are pretty self explanitory, ones my attempt at hydro with Superbud, the other two are attempts at soil one northern lights #5, one superbud, both from High grade seeds, Pics 4,5,6 is of my setup, 7 is of my clone bubbler, 8 is my...
  11. punkrockdude

    HELP BUbble bucket question

    paint yor bucket so no light gets in thats abot all ud hafta worry about causing root rot with the system as long as there is lotsa air getting at your roots from the air pump the amount of water isnt a prob
  12. punkrockdude

    PH help

    yeah you can do that but remember if u hafta use tap water add the nutes than ph up and down, if u can get r.o water way easier when doing ur ppm, u start at 0 instead of anywhere from 200-800 wth tap
  13. punkrockdude

    Hid lighting

    i dont know for sure but ive heard of a few companies not attatching a ground at all or properly could be that.if u feel compitent u can open it up(when its unplugged of course) and take a look its fairly basic
  14. punkrockdude

    Soil mixture?

    ive only just started but the mix of 50% promix, 35% perlite, 15% vermiculite works perfectly for me had to over water and with my temps and ventilation and circulation it works out that almost exactly 12 hours after i water i water again, works great for my schedule
  15. punkrockdude

    Hid lighting

    was the bulb a 250? what brand was the ballast?
  16. punkrockdude

    Drug test

    do a search, there have been a few threads on it, from what ive read nothing has really worked all that well
  17. punkrockdude

    Local Hydro store asked If I wanted seeds or clones....I'm very suspicious!!!

    yeah what i mean is they cant sell u stuff and than that officer bust you, i grew up in a small town where the cops would bust the teens for pot take it than half mile down the road be rollin up a big fatty. i love small towns
  18. punkrockdude

    Local Hydro store asked If I wanted seeds or clones....I'm very suspicious!!!

    good point maybe he thinks ur just an avid horticulturalist, than again if you are one those people who have a pot leaf patch sewn on to ur hat maybe not haha
  19. punkrockdude

    Ontario growing Brampton Area

    thn ull prob get around 3 ounces assuming u do a somewhat similar grow, outdoors tend to get a bigger yield but thats becaus ur giving it essentially 3 seasons to grow, assuming u harvest late sept.