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    Plants are drooping?

    Yes, i'm checking the pH of the water. Here are some pics, when i woke up this morning they were looking better. But now they are looking much worse, on one of them the leaves are practically hanging vertically. What should I do? it looks like they are gonna die soon if i don't do...
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    Plants are drooping?

    I'll post pictures tomorrow. Does anyone else have any ideas? I can't have these plants die I need to finish them before I start chemo. The drainage in the pots is fine.
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    Plants are drooping?

    Two of my plants started drooping today and they are drooping really bad. They are about 28 days old from seed, they were watered three days ago and the soil is pretty dry but not dry enough that I need to water. On one of the two its still still got more water than the other. What could be...
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    Is this a problem?

    Nah, all the leaves are not curling like overwatering. Only the very bottom leaves that have the brown on the tips are curled under. And I'm relieved yall don't think its a serious problem.
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    Is this a problem?

    I'm using a single 400w MH over them, so there is no way they got burned by the bulb. I am using foxfarm nutes, 2tbs Big Bloom and 1/2tsp Grow Big. Just started the grow big when they were transplanted a little over a week ago. Does it look like nute burn? Would nute burn be only on the tips...
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    Is this a problem?

    Hey, this is one of my OG kush plants. Its about 28 days old from seed. Its got some brown on the tips of the bottom leaves, anyone have any idea what caused this? The affected leaves are drooping while the rest of the plant is not. Here is a picture of the plant, it looks healthy overall...
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    Seedlings under a MH?

    I took the humidity dome off, but I've still got this problem.. Does anyone here have seedlings that grow okay in a similar environment under a HID that is not air cooled?
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    Seedlings under a MH?

    The seedlings in the humidity dome always have water droplets forming on them and I always have to wipe them off. Can something bad happen to them from the water droplets being on them all the time? Anyone have any suggestions about what to do with these seedlings?
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    Seedlings under a MH?

    But a seedling that just broke the ground has a very limited root system, and can't replace the water as fast as it evaporates. What the other guy said makes sense. Just to clarify for everyone else, I'm not asking about the plant in the picture. Just posted that to show the stress on those...
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    Colored Seeds?

    Yeah, its so you can identify the strain without them being individually labeled.
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    Seedlings under a MH?

    I don't have the room to run an MH and a fluorescent, so I just have to stick with the MH only. The area under the MH is 84F and the humidity is 28%. The vegetative plants are doing great, and I've got some seedlings on day 14 that are right next to the veg plants that are doing good too. One...
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    Plant started drooping right after watering

    Ok thanks, so the droop after watering is a normal thing? Thats good to hear. I know i need to get a moisture meter, I'm gonna order one on the interent since its not the right season for all the gardening stuff in Walmart and shit, and we don't have any hydro stores in my city. I've heard...
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    Plant started drooping right after watering

    I just watered one of my OG kush plants that definitely needed watering, the soil was bone dry and it had been a week since it had water. Anyways immedeately after I watered the plant it began to droop, now its drooping pretty bad like 20 minutes later. What did I do? Did i give it too much...
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    Mutant Seedling

    That one is cool as hell, way cooler than mine.
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    Mutant Seedling

    Hey, here are some pictures of my mutant seedling. Its second set of true leaves don't have three fingers like normal leaves, one of them is a really fat 1 finger leaf and the other one is a 2 finger leaf. Its pretty weird. So is this one just gonna be kinda messed up its whole life...
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    small harvest, big issue

    An HPS would help, but its not absolutely necessary. It is kinda weird you decided to buy 3 MHs and not a single HPS. If you have the cash for 2 1000w then why not have one MH and one HPS?
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    is this a good grow light?

    Buy a metal halide or high pressure sodium light. That floodlight isn't going to work out well.
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    Is this nutrient burn?

    My friend who seems to know what he's talking about told me the exact same thing as cowboylogic, so that's what I did. I hope it works out.
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    Is this nutrient burn?

    Here is a better picture, taken today. I just transplanted it a few minutes ago, and the roots were matted on the bottom of the cup. Hopefully this gets better. Let me know what you think.
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    Transplanting Questions

    The plant has had zero new growth since the transplant but the leaves are already much less droopy than they were prior to the transplant, so I think that's a good sign?