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    Suggestions on MH lights?

    I'm about to order a metal halide light and here's what I'm considering at the moment 400w Lumatek Ballast 400w Metal Halide Regular Bulb Yield Master II Classic Reflector Is the Lumatek ballast a good choice or should I go with another? Is it okay that I'm going with just the generic metal...
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    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    I have some OG kush seedlings that are 12 days old and they are doing really well but one of them has a little brown dot right in the middle of both cotyledon leaves in the exact same place. Does this indicate some kind of a problem? Also, i have a jack the ripper that is 10 days old and it...
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    First post/First Grow/Got All my Info from RIU how are my seedlings?

    I can see those green Miracle Grow beads in your soil, that's no good bro.
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    1ST Grow LED or HID

    Go with the HID lighting, you will get way better results than you would with LED. I've seen a lot of LED grows on here and they don't turn out well, except the ones that use LEDs along with a HPS and/or MH.
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    How long does fertilizer in water last?

    I dissolved some Big Bloom in a gallon of water and I wanted to know how long I can keep using it? Does it get old or lose potency after awhile? Its probably a little over a week old right now. Thanks.
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    Which strains should i choose?

    What site are you on that has the Bubba Kush BX2 in stock? I've been looking everywhere for it.
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    When you're at the local grow store...

    At the grow store they used to have here they know your growing marijuana, you just don't come right out and be blatant about it and neither do they. Its just kind of implied. They obviously know what your growing, man. They sold High Times and shit in there, but they don't sell any tomato...
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    Canna or CNS17?

    Thanks, man. I'll go with the Botanicare. I'm pretty tight on money so thats probably what I would have gone with anyways, but its good to know that its the right choice.
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    Canna or CNS17?

    Your grow is looking really good, man. How do you like the Super Silver Haze? I was thinking about getting some seeds. Do you think it would be an easy strain for a newbie?
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    Need Help With Strains

    So I think I'm going with the Dutch Passion Skywalker and the Cali Connection Sour Diesel. How many regular (non feminized) seeds minimum do yall recommend I get? I don't want to end up with all males. I'm thinking of going with 4 because thats a 93.75 percent chance of getting at least one...
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    Canna or CNS17?

    I'm going to try growing some plants with Coco and I'm trying to decide between CNS17 and Canna nutrients. The Canna is probably better but between Canna Coco A/B, Rhizotonic, Cannazym, and the PK 13-14 I am looking at like $80 bucks and thats for the smallest size of each while the CNS17 for...
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    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    Yours are a little further along than mine but it looks like mine will be able to catch up given that yours are 4-5 days ahead. Thanks, man. I appreciate you posting the picture, it gave me some reassurance that maybe mine aren't as behind schedule as I thought.
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    What Should I Be Feeding my Seedling?

    Ok, I'll try to worry less. Maybe the problem is underwatering then because I was originally just thoroughly spraying the top of the soil up until about day 10 where I started to water with the shotglass. But I only gave them about 1.5-2 shots worth each. EDIT: well it was time to water for...
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    What Should I Be Feeding my Seedling?

    Well thanks, I'll be more careful about overwatering with my OGs and JTR. Overwatering is more a problem of watering too frequently than too much at a time, right? Because honestly I'm still working on what is the correct amount of water to add at each watering but I think I've got it now that...
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    What Should I Be Feeding my Seedling?

    Yeah man, this is my first time I have never done chemo before. I was thinking of trying subcool's super soil too as well as starting a few plants in coco just to give several different methods a shot and see which works best. I just wanna be careful not to repeat these mistakes on my OG's...
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    What Should I Be Feeding my Seedling?

    Thanks farmerjoe, and I'm using Light Warrior right now and plan to transplant into a 50/50 mix of Ocean Forest and Light Warrior because thats what I've read is best. Actually it might be more Light Warrior than Ocean Forest because I have read some threads saying that is better and also I...
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    What Should I Be Feeding my Seedling?

    Thats a good looking plant, man. Way bigger than I can imagine mine will get within a week. Could the overwatering and/or tap water be the reason my plant is much smaller than yours as well? The guy in the help thread said that its totally natural for my cotyledons to be falling off so I am...
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    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    I'm on day 17, and I only have four other leaves. Well the third set of leave is coming it and its about half way there on all of them. How many leaves should I have? Anyways, our water is about pH 7.5, they are always saying its pretty clean water compared to most other cities. So you think...
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    What Should I Be Feeding my Seedling?

    Thanks man, i really appreciate that. And I've just now started using distilled water, and i'll give the Big Bloom a shot except maybe a little lower dosages for the OG's. At least my plants look about as far along as yours do as in they have formed the same number of leaves as yours (they are...
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    Beginners Thread

    The cotyledons on some of my 2.5 week old seedlings have turned completely yellow and in some cases brown. I haven't been feeding them, but I have been watering with tap water with an approximate pH of 7.5. Could the hard water be doing this? Or the incorrect pH? Or could it be overwatering...