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  1. snoopy

    Nirvana Feminized Wonder Women / DWC Hydro Grow

    So how goes the harvest?
  2. snoopy

    Nirvana Feminized Wonder Women / DWC Hydro Grow

    Damn, those roots are looking great man... I'll be watching this one =)
  3. snoopy

    Male or Female? Buds Or Pollen?

    Honestly you're probably best starting over... or keep it around if you want to make seeds when you eventually get a good female. I had a supposedly feminized seed that turned out to be 100% male... it sucks but it happens.
  4. snoopy

    Male or Female? Buds Or Pollen?

    Yea... that's a male plant for sure... even through all that blur you can see it...
  5. snoopy

    leafs hangin straight down!! 2 days like this

    I was thinking water/temp issues, but I'm no expert.... what do your roots look like...
  6. snoopy

    leafs hangin straight down!! 2 days like this

    What makes you say that plant is male...