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  1. T

    thanks for helping me out i will let you no what happens with my experiment

    thanks for helping me out i will let you no what happens with my experiment
  2. T


    thanks robert for helping out i try to find befor i post but dont always find cheers
  3. T

    Fan leafs?

    i am experimenting with that now still up in the air if i think its good to do or not will post in future results
  4. T


    trying to establish posts so i can access more of the site it wont let me get in to some stuff am i going about it corectly
  5. T


    how many plants per 1000w light ???????????????
  6. T

    What should i do!

    it will be fine
  7. T

    big sun leaves

    thanks robert i am a little slow but seen the link sounds pretty good to me i prunned half my crop this morning and left the other half to grow naturally so i will see for myself because i have read both sides ofthe story i do kinda wish i read that link befor i prunned but ill see
  8. T

    big sun leaves

    if the hole plant is bushy will it not block alot of the light and waste alot of energy growing big sucker leaves instead of big BUDS?????? i am growing indoors in soil what do you think
  9. T

    big sun leaves

    should i take off big sucker leaves to optimize bud size?