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  1. BeckahBanana

    3 Week Old Seedling w/Pictures. Opinions needed.

    I don't have access to anything like that, but I am very aware of limiting the water I put into the container. I let the soil thoroughly dry out so some oxygen can get to the roots ;)
  2. BeckahBanana

    3 Week Old Seedling w/Pictures. Opinions needed.

    Healthy for 23 days? No nutes being used at all.
  3. BeckahBanana

    Does my seedling look healthy?

    Thank you guys! First time growing my own and I was paranoid about the height of my plant. I thought the hairs were a problem xP, silly me!
  4. BeckahBanana

    Quick question!!!

    So perfect it's unbelievable! Good luck
  5. BeckahBanana

    Autoflower seedling problem?

    Mine looked like that at 5 days above the ground! Looks fine :)
  6. BeckahBanana

    stoners and growing just pot

    My pot plant is my baby, but I am kind to all forms of plant life. I have bamboo and flowers and I'm always the one out of my friends who will try to help a plant who looks sickly.
  7. BeckahBanana

    What kind of bug is this?

    Baby cockroach maybe? Blegh. If not, try to identify it on google
  8. BeckahBanana

    Does my seedling look healthy?

    He or she is around 6 days old (After breaking the surface). I have been putting it in as much sunlight as possible, only watering when necessary. No prolonged periods of being exposed to artificial light. I'm worried he or she is too small for its age.